Loan Payment Request Inquiry

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Overview of IL418INQ

If your organization utilizes the Online-CEF product and has elected to allow borrowers to make loan payments online, the Loan Payment Request Inquiry screen allows you to view and manage any payments that have been made online.

From the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen, click View and select Loan Payment Requests. You will see this screen:

Loan Payment Inquiry 1.png

This screen lists any online loan payments that have been submitted by the borrower. You can filter your view by selecting the Request source:

Loan Payment Inquiry 2.png

Or by clicking the Status field to select a status to filter by:

Loan Payment Inquiry 3.png

The screen will list any payment requests that match the criteria you have established. To view a loan payment request, you can click it once and then click View on the toolbar, or double-click the payment you wish to view. This will launch the Loan Payment Request Maintenance screen.

When you have finished viewing loan payment requests, click Exit to return to the Detailed Loan Inquiry.