HP Plan Maintenance

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Overview of HP002UPD

The HP Plan Maintenance screen allows you to set up and maintain health policy plan types. To access the HP Plan Maintenance screen:

  • From the DDI-Connect main menu, double-click Health Policy
  • Double-click HP Plan Maintenance. You will see this screen:


This screen has multiple tabs.

Plan Type Tab

The Plan Type tab lists all available plan types. To add a new type, click the New button. The fields will activate for data entry:

HC Plan Maint 2.png

There are three fields on this tab:

Field Description
Plan type # This is a read only field that contains a system-generated plan type #
Plan Type Click the drop down arrow to select from a list of Plan Type Codes that are configured within the system
Description Enter a description of the plan type

When you have entered the information, click Save. The new plan is added to the Plan Type List:

HC Plan Maint 3.png

To add plans to the plan type, make sure your plan type is highlighted and click the Plans tab.

Plans Tab

When you click the Plans tab, you will see this screen:

HC Plan Maint 4.png

To add a new plan, click the New button on the toolbar. The fields will activate for data entry:

HC Plan Maint 5.png

The following fields are available:

Field Description
Plan # This is a read only field that displays a system generated plan number
Administrator Click the drop down arrow to select the Administrator of the plan from a list of Administrator Codes configured within the system
Premium Type Select the premium type by clicking on the drop down arrow to select from a list of Premium Type Codes configured within the system
Coverage Levels To enter the coverage codes, you can type the code or codes, separated by commas, or click the list icon to select from a list of Coverage Codes configured within the system
Effective start date Enter the start date of the plan. You can type it in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date
Effective end date Enter the end date of the plan. You can type it in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date

When you have entered the information for the plan, click Save to retain your changes. You can now add additional plans, or proceed to the Rates tab to add rates for the plan(s).

To add rates to a plan, make sure that your plan is highlighted on the Plans tab and click the Rates tab.

Rates Tab

When you click the Rates tab, you will see a screen similar to this one:

HC Plan Maint 6.png

At the top right of the screen, there is a Plan Year filter. If you wish to filter the plan rate records that appear, you can click the drop down arrow to select the year that you wish to filter by. Only those plan rates that apply to that plan year will be displayed.

To add a rate to the plan, click the New button on the toolbar. The fields will activate for data entry:

HC Plan Maint 7.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Plan Rate # This is a read only field that displays a system-generated plan rate #
Plan Year Click the drop down to select the plan year. This is an optional field
Premium amt Enter the premium amount for this plan
Payment frequency Click the drop down arrow to select from a list of payment frequency codes configured within the system
Coverage Click the drop down arrow to select the coverage code for this rate
Age Click the drop down to select the age range code for this rate
Region Click the drop down to select the region that this rate applies to
Policy owner Click the drop down to select the policy owner for this rate
Effective start dt Enter the effective start date for this rate. You can type the date in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date
Effective end dt Enter the effective end date for this rate. You can type the date in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date

When you have finished entering the rate information, click Save to retain your changes. You can now add additional rates for the plan if desired, or exit the screen.