DDI Connect System Settings

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Overview of DDI08SET

The DDI-Connect System Settings screen allows you to configure certain default information for your organization, including password settings.

Note: If you have system administrator access for your organization, you can access the Settings menu by clicking Admin on the toolbar and selecting Settings

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Supervisor Menu
  • Double-click System Administration. You will see this screen:

System Administration Overview.png

Double-click the Settings icon. You will see this screen:

DDI Connect System Settings 1.png

To edit this screen, click the Edit button on the toolbar. The fields will now enable for modification:

DDI Connect System Settings 2.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Number of seconds between processing passes for queue 1 This establishes the time (in seconds) between processing passes for Queue 1. You should not modify this setting unless directed to do so by DDI staff
Number of seconds between processing passes for queue 2 This establishes the time (in seconds) between processing passes for Queue 2. You should not modify this setting unless directed to do so by DDI staff
Minimum number of characters This field establishes the minimum number of characters required for users' passwords
Password valid for () days Establishes the number of days that a password is valid before requiring a reset by the user
Maximum number of characters This field establishes the maximum number of characters required for users' passwords
Grace logins after password expires Establishes how many grace logins a user is allowed after their password has expired, before the system locks them out and requires that their password be reset
Minimum # of alpha characters The minimum number of alpha (a,b,c, etc.) characters required in a user's password
Maximum failed login attempts The maximum number of times that a user is allowed to enter an incorrect password before their account is locked
Minimum # of non-alpha characters The minimum number of non-alpha (numeric, special character, symbol) characters that are required in a user's password
Number of saved passwords that cannot be reused The number of previous passwords that cannot be re-used by users when selecting a new password
Minimum # of uppercase characters The minimum number of uppercase (A, B, C, etc.) characters required in a user's password
Minimum # of lowercase characters The minimum number of lowercase (a, b, c, etc.) characters required in a user's password
Maximum number of times a user can change their password in a 24 hour period This establishes the maximum number of times that a user can reset their password in a day (24 hour timeframe)
Minimum # of numeric characters Minimum number of numeric (1, 2, 3, etc.) characters required in a user's password. If you have set the minimum number of non-alpha characters, you can leave this field at 0 unless you wish to require that your users use at least 1 numeric character in their password
Minimum # of symbol characters Minimum number of symbol (!, @, &, etc.) characters required in a user's password. If you have set the minimum number of non-alpha characters, you can leave this field at 0 unless you wish to require that your users use at least 1 symbol character in their password

When you have finished making your changes, click Save to retain them.