User Maintenance

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Overview of DDI03

Understanding how to add, edit and delete users within DDI Connect is essential to the management of your system. It is important that you are familiar with your organization's security settings, as knowing how the security is configured is essential to granting your users the appropriate access.

Note: If you have System Administrator access, you can click Admin on the toolbar and select Users to launch User Maintenance

Setting up User Security

To set up user security:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Supervisor Menu
  • Double-click System Administration. You will see this screen:

System Administration Overview.png

To access user maintenance, double-click the Users icon. You will see this screen:

User 1.png

This shows you a list of users within your organization. You will note the following:

  • User IDs having a yellow face icon on the left are system administrators. If they also have small DDI letters next to the face, that means they are DDI system administrators. There are certain staff members at DDI who will always have global system administrator access. "Yellow heads" who do NOT have the DDI next to them are system administrators for your own organization
  • User IDs with a red X through the face icon are deleted users

Add a New User

  • From the User Maintenance screen, click the New button on the toolbar. This screen will appear:

User 2.png

As you can see, there are multiple tabs present on this screen.

Identification tab

The following fields need to be completed on this screen:

Field Description
User ID This user ID must be the same as the individual's Citrix login ID that was provided to you by DDI. Using the same ID allows the system to synchronize the passwords so the user does not have to enter them twice.
Name First and last name of the user you are adding
Email Enter a valid email address here. This allows the user to receive emailed reports, if needed
Organization This field will default to your organization's database number, which you can see in the lower left corner of your DDI Connect screen. We do not recommend that you change this number
Default Unit This will default to 00, and should only be changed if your organization is set up to utilize the Unit functionality. If you are, you can click the list icon to the right of the field to select from available units
Allowed Units Again, this is only applicable if your organization is set up to utilize the Unit functionality. If it is, you can click the list icon to the right of the field to select the Units that the user will have access to
Web Apps If your organization utilizes DDI Connect web applications (such as Event Registration), you can grant the user access to those applications by clicking on the list icon to the right of the field and selecting the applications

Password tab

When you click the Password tab, you will see this screen:

User 3.png

Please note that you do NOT have to set up a password for a new user unless they will be accessing the web applications. DDI web applications require a password to be set here. Otherwise, the password is inherited from the user's Citrix login.

Field Description
New password Type in the user's new password, according to your organization's password rules
Re-enter password Re-enter the new password. Passwords MUST match to proceed
Account locked out If this box is checked, the user's account is locked. You can unlock a user account by unchecking the box and clicking OK
Grace Logins Used If your organization has established a grace logins setting (meaning, number of times a user can enter an incorrect user ID or password before the system locks the account), this field will show how many incorrect login attempts the user has had, if any

Security Tab

This is where the user's security settings are established. When you click the tab, you will see this screen:

User 4.png

At the top of this tab, you will see the following:

  • Default security level: If you enter a number here, it will be inherited for all modules and functions that your organization utilizes EXCEPT for those security functions having a required security level (!NA/7, as an example).
  • Web security level: If this is selected, it will provide the user with security for the web applications that your organization uses

Next, you'll see a table with the columns Group and Level. The Group column contains the security function, the level holds the security level assigned to that function for this user.

  • If you see a level such as (5), that indicates that the security level is being inherited from the Default security level
  • A number without the ( ), such as 8, indicates that this user has been granted specific security for this function

To add a security function, type the function name in the New Group field and click Add. The system will not allow you to add a function that is already present, nor will it allow you to add a function that doesn't exist.

If it is a valid function, the system adds the function to the Group/Level list, with the cursor in the level field. If you do not add a number, the system will populate the Level field with the default security number. You can also type a number, such as 8. Press Enter, and the security level is added to the user's security:

User 5.png

The Enable DataPA checkbox allows you to grant the user access to the DDI Digital Dashboard . NOTE: Access to the Dashboard is billable on a per user basis, so keep that in mind when granting access to a user.

When you have finished setting up the user's security, click OK.

Defaults and Settings tabs

The last two tabs are used by DDI staff, and do not have to be modified.

Add a New User using the Copy Function

If you are adding a new user and wish to set their security to match an existing user, there is an easy way to do so.

  • From the User Maintenance screen, click ONCE on the user that you are going to copy the permissions TO
  • On the toolbar, click the Copy button. This screen will appear:

User 6.png

  • Enter the user ID of the individual you are copying permissions FROM
  • Click OK. The system will copy the permissions as specified