A/P Inquiry

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Overview of AP11

The AP Inquiry feature is used to find and view vouchers. A voucher is created in the sys¬tem to pay an invoice. A combination of valid data may be entered on this screen to search for the desired information. There are two ways to search: by Voucher criteria, or by Pay¬ment criteria. When searching by Voucher criteria, the user can enter Vendor ID, Voucher number, Invoice number, PO number, and/or Memo notes as the search criteria. When searching by Payment criteria, the user must enter a checking account number and either a check number or wire number.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Accounts Payable
  • Double-click A/P Inquiry. You will see this screen:


At the top of the screen, you will see the fields available for use in establishing inquiry parameters. They are:

Field Description
Fiscal year Enter the fiscal year that you wish to search
Vendor ID Type the vendor id or click the list icon to launch the vendor list
Voucher # Enter the voucher number to search for a specific voucher
Vouchers Select if you wish to search vouchers
Credit memos Select if you wish to search credit memos
Batch date Enter a date range if you wish to search by batch date
Invoice # Enter the invoice number
PO # Enter the PO number
Memo Enter memo text
Checking acct Type the checking account code
Check # Enter the check number
Wire # Enter the wire number

You can enter any combination of search criteria. Once you have entered your criteria, click Search. The results will appear as such:

AP Inquiry 2.png

To view a voucher, double-click it. This will launch the Voucher Entry screen, where you can review the voucher. When you have finished viewing the information, click Exit to return to the inquiry results.

To clear the search and begin a new search, click the Clear button on the toolbar.