Purchasing an Investment

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Purchasing a New Investment via Cash Processing (IL200PURCH)

Within DDI-Connect, investment purchases should be done via the Cash Processing screens. Investments should not be added to the system until the funds have been received, as you do not have the ability to delete investments from the system.

NOTE: There is an Investment Add screen beneath the Investment Transactions menu. That screen is used to add investments for transfers and reregistration and other processes that will involve moving funds from one investment to another. It should NOT be used to purchase new investments.

To purchase an investment:

  • Add the investment funds to Cash Receipts Stage 1. For information on how to use Stage 1 processing, please reference this page: Cash Processing Stage 1
  • After you have entered the funds in Stage 1, double-click the Financial Services item on the DDI Connect main menu
  • Double-click Data Processing
  • Double-click Payment Processing. You will see a screen similar to this one:

Purchase 1.png

  • Make sure that you have clicked on the batch containing the investment funds. They will display in the Detail area of the screen
  • Double-click the check. This will activate the transaction menu:

Purchase 2.png

  • Double-click Investment Transactions. You will now see the Investment submenu:

Purchase 3.png

  • Double-click Investment Purchase. You will now see this screen:

Purchase 4.png

  • Click the New icon to the right of the Inv # field to create a new investment
  • The Account field is now activated. You can type in the account number for the investor, or you can click the search icon to locate the account. If this is a new account, you can click the New Account icon. For information on how to add an account, reference this page: Account Entry
  • Once the account is selected, the rest of the fields are available for entry:

Purchase 5.png

Field Description
Inv Type If you know the investment type number, you can type it in this field. Otherwise, click the list icon to the right of the field to select from a list of active investment types in the system. If you need to add a new investment type, please reference this page: Investment Type and Rate Maintenance
Original maturity date This field will automatically populate, based on the type of investment you select. You should not change this date
Rate This field will automatically populate based on the type of investment you select
General ledger This field will automatically populate based on the type of investment you selected. You can override this selection by either typing the new GL number or clicking the list icon to the right of the field and selecting from a list of active GL numbers in the system
Maturity extension months This field will automatically populate, based on the type of investment you selected
Purchase date The system will automatically populate this field with the business date. If you opt to change it, review the original maturity date to ensure that it is correct
Currency If your organization accepts other types of currency, you can click the drop down list to select from a list of currencies set up in the system. For information on how to add additional currency types, please reference this page:
Example Example
Example Example