Cash Processing Stage 1

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Performing Cash Processing Stage 1 - Cash Receipts (CR10)

It is important to note that how you access Stage 1 processing depends on how your organization is set up to do so. The menu item could be beneath:

  • Financial Services/Data Processing/Cash Receipts Stage 1
  • Daily Cash Processing/Cash Receipts Stage 1

Once you are on the Cash Receipts Stage 1 screen, however, the process is similar. Please note, however, that certain options are based on what your organization has set up for cash processing.

There are two types of batches within DDI Connect:

  • Mailroom batches: Receipts within a mailroom batch cannot be processed by the person entering the batch
  • Cashier batches: Receipts within a cashier batch can be processed by the person entering the batch:

Batch Processing 1.png

  • Click the appropriate icon, based on the type of batch you are entering. This activates other icons on the screen:

Batch Processing 2.png

  • If you are creating a new batch, click the New batch icon. If you are editing an existing batch, click the Open Batch icon. For the purposes of this document, we will assume that the New Batch icon was clicked. This screen will appear:

Batch Processing 3.png