Portfolio Redemptions

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How do I Process Portfolio Redemptions and/or Withdrawals?(IL706)

Portfolio payouts - whether they are redemptions or withdrawals - must be done through cash processing. To process:

  • From the DDI-Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Cash Receipts Stage 1
  • Enter a new item in an existing batch (or create a new batch) for the amount of the withdrawal or payout. For information on how to enter a new batch, please reference this page: Cash Processing Stage 1
  • When the item is entered, go to Financial Services and double-click Data Processing
  • Double-click Payment Processing (Stage 2)
  • Locate the batch that contains the payout for the portfolio. Click once to highlight it - this will display the items in the Detail area of the screen:

Portfolio 1.png

  • Double-click the transaction in question. This activates the Transactions tab:

Transactions 1.png

  • Double-click Portfolio Transactions. This displays the Portfolio sub-menu:

Transactions 2.png

  • Double-click Portfolio Redemption/Sale. This launches the Portfolio Redemption/Sale screen:

Portfolio redempt.png

* In the Portfolio field, type the number for the portfolio you are processing the transaction for. You can also click the list icon to display a list of all portfolios in the system, or you can click the binoculars to search for a particular portfolio
  • Once the number is entered, press enter or click Find. This activates the fields for modification: