Combined Information Query

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Overview of EX001COMB

The Combined Information Query lets you run multiple queries in an and/or format. For example, if you want to run an extract for individuals in Indiana AND churches in Kentucky, you can set up two separate queries (one for the individuals in Indiana and one for churches in Kentucky) and then use the Combined Information Query to combine them into one output or report. It is important to note that you can not combine constituents and accounts in a can only combine lists that are all constituents or all accounts.

NOTE: The Combined Information Query requires that you have existing Information Queries set up. You cannot create a query from the Combined Information Query screen.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Extract Module
  • Double-click Combined Information Query. You will see this screen:

Combined Extract 1.png

There are multiple tabs on this screen. If you have not previously created and saved any combined extracts, the Extracts tab will be empty. If you have, they will appear on this screen, as such:

Combined Extract 2.png

Info Queries Tab

When you click the Info Queries tab, you will see a screen similar to this one:

Combined Extract 3.png

To begin building a combined query, select two or more queries. Remember, you cannot combine account queries with name queries. You can tell which is which by looking at the Type column:

Combined Extract 4.png

To select the queries you wish to combine, click the box to the left of the query line. Your screen will look like this:

Combined Extract 5.png

Reports Tab

The Reports tab options are the same as those in the Information Query

Outputs Tab

The Outputs tab options are the same as those in the Information Query

View Results Tab