Creating a Wiki Book

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The DDI Wiki allows you to create a customized pdf "book" of documents that you select. For example, if you are training a new AP user on the DDI Connect system and want them to have a pdf of the documents that they will use the most, you can easily create that.

NOTE: The DDI Wiki documentation is constantly evolving due to screen changes and features/functionality additions. If you do elect to print a book, please remember that the documentation can and will change.

On the left side of your screen, click the Print/Export link:

Print Export 1.png

Click "Create a book". You will see this screen appear:

Print Export 2.png

Click Start the Book Creator. You will now see the Book creator bar at the top of whatever screen you are on:

Print Export 3.png

Using the above example of a new AP user, for the purposes of this document, we will build a reference book for the DDI Connect Accounts Payable module.

From the Accounts Payable category page, we will click Add this category to your book:

Print Export 4.png

This adds all pages within the category of Accounts Payable. The Show book link displays how many pages have been added to the book:

Print Export 5.png

If you click the Show book, you will see this page:

Print Export 6.png

You can add a title and subtitle, create chapters, drag and drop categories to re-order the book, and download to pdf.

To continue adding categories or pages, click the Back button on your browser to return to the Wiki. There is no limit to the number of items you can add to your book.

If you click the Suggest pages link on the Book creator bar, the system will suggest additional pages based on what you have already added to your book. In our example, the system recommends some FundWriter pages, based on the Accounts Payable documents:

Print Export 7.png

When you have finished building your book, you can download it to pdf and print, or simply keep as reference.