An Introduction to the DDI Wiki

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Revision as of 11:24, 1 August 2012 by Smiller (talk | contribs)
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Using the DDI Wiki

Welcome to the DDI Documentation Wiki! Our goal is to provide you with a comprehensive, searchable self help site. The pages on this site are constantly being updated and added to as new features and functionality is added to our products.

Using the Search

In the upper right corner of each Wiki, you will see the Search bar:

Wiki Search.png

To search, use as many key words as possible. For example, if you are looking for information on how to perform a refund on a loan, you might type "loan refund". You would then see the following results:

Wiki Search 2.png

To review a document, click the link. If it's not the right one, clicking the Back button on your browser will take you back to the search results.

Using the Categories

On the front page of the Wiki, you will see a table of the primary categories for the DDI Wiki:

Categories 1.png

To drill down into a category, click the link. You will now see an overview of the category, along with links to any subcategories that may be present:

Categories 2.png

When you reach the root of a category, all pages within that category will be displayed in alphabetical order:

Categories 3.png

To launch a page, click the link.

DDI Glossary

Throughout the DDI Wiki, you will see words that are underlined in a blue dotted line:

Glossary 1.png

If you hover your mouse over an underlined term, the definition will appear:

Glossary 2.png

Glossary 3.png

If you discover a term on the DDI Wiki that does not have a definition but you feel that it should, please notify DDI Client Support. We'll get it added right away.

Creating a Book

For information on how to build a custom book based on pages in the DDI wiki, please review this document: Creating a Wiki Book