Automated Attachment Import (NA75)

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Using the Automated Attachment Import (NA75UPD)

Automated Attachment Import is a utility that allows you to automatically attach a group of files to master-account records, name/address records, or gift records/miscellaneous receipts/event receipts. While designed primarily as a method of importing scanned images such as forms or signed documents, it can be used to import any type of document that can be attached to a memo.

This utility uses the names of the imported files to attach them to the appropriate master accounts, name/address, or gift/receipt records in the form of a memo. It can only import files from a single folder (on a drive accessible to your Citrix session) and of a single type at one time. For example, for one session you can import master account record attachments, and in the next session import gift records/miscellaneous receipts/event receipts.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Name/Address
  • Double-click Utilities
  • Double-click 75 Automated Attachment Import. You will see this screen: