Name/Address Email Writer

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Overview of NA23

The Name/Address Email Writer program can be used to send an email to a specific constituent or list of constituents in your database. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are sending to a large group of constituents, DDI does not recommend using the Email Writer program. Sending large numbers of email from the system can result in your being identified as a "spam sender". It is instead recommended that you utilize a third party email management option, such as ConstantContact, MailChimp or other email list management sites. The Email Writer program is designed for use in emailing small groups of your constituents.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Name/Address System
  • Double-click Name/Address Email Writer. You will see this screen:

NA Email Writer 1.png

In order to begin composing an email, you must first enter the search criteria for the constituent(s) you wish to email. The search criteria fields are the same as used by the Name/Address Inquiry screen. When you have entered the criteria you wish to use, click Search.