Recurring Journal Entry

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Overview of FW12

A recurring journal entry is one that will be repeated at regular intervals and can be expected to require very little or no editing each time it posts to the General Ledger. The Recurring Journal Entry program provides a template for the document generated on a recurring basis. To set up recurring journals:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click FundWriter
  • Double-click Recurring Journal Entry. You will see a screen similar to this one:

Recurring Journal Entry 1.png

To add a new Recurring Journal, click the New button on the toolbar:

File:Recurring Journal Entry 2.png

Create New Recurring Document

To create a new recurring document, click New and select Create New Recurring Document. You will see this screen:

Recurring Journal Entry 3.png

If you wish to enter a document number, you can do so here. Leave the field blank to select the next available document number. Click OK. You will see this screen:

Recurring Journal Entry 4.png

Document Setup Tab

On the Document Setup tab, you have the following fields:

Field Description
Memo If you wish to enter a memo for this document, you can do so here
Next date Enter the next date that this recurring document should occur. You can type the date in a mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date
Recurring Click the drop down arrow to select how often the document should recur
Amount Enter the amount of the document
Document expires Select when the document should expire

When you have finished entering the information on this screen, click the Line items button or the line items tab at the top of the screen.

Line Items Tab

When you click the Line Items tab, you will see this screen:

Recurring Journal Entry 5.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Reference The Reference field is a freeform text box that can be used as a brief description to indicate the purpose of the entry. For example, a loan number, gift number, or other notation
Line amount Enter the dollar amount for the line
Percent The Percent field will automatically update based on the dollar amount entered in the Line Amount field. You can also enter a percent here to automatically update the Line Amount field
G/L account Enter the G/L account or click the list icon to select from a list of active G/L accounts
Due If you click the drop down, you can select From or To. If you make a selection here, the Due From/Due To transaction process is activated. This feature can be used for things such as transferring funds from an unrestricted to a restricted account, or from a temporarily restricted to an unrestricted account
Memo If you wish to add a memo to the transaction, you can do so here. For example, you might note the purpose of the line item, such as "Correcting Loan Transactions for June 2012"

When you have finished entering the information, click OK. The system will populate the lower portion of the screen with the line information, and prepare for Line 2 entry:

Journal Entry 9.png

Repeat the above procedure until you have entered all of the appropriate debits. When your total reaches 100%, the next line item automatically becomes a credit transaction:

Journal Entry 10.png

The DDI system utilizes T chart accounting, and requires that each journal balance in full before it can be posted to the General Ledger. The total debits and total credits must balance completely before you can proceed with posting.

When you have entered your debits and credits, your screen will look similar to this:

Journal Entry 11.png

If you need to edit a line item, you can do so either by double-clicking the line item or by clicking the Edit button on the toolbar. When you have made your changes, click OK.

Review the document. If all looks correct, click Save and select Save document. The recurring journal document has now been created.