G/L Account Inquiry

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Overview of FW17

The G/L Account Inquiry screen allows you to search for and view General Ledger accounts within DDI-Connect. To use the Inquiry:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click FundWriter
  • Double-click G/L Account Inquiry. You will see this screen:

GL Account Inquiry 1.png

First, select the fiscal year that you wish to search on. Next, you can either type the GL account number or click the list icon to view a list of active GL account numbers. Press enter or click View Balances. You will now see a screen similar to this one:

GL Account Inquiry 2.png

At the top of your screen, you will see the information about the G/L account, including the definitions of each segment. You will also see the beginning balance and YTD balance.

In the Account Segments area, you will see the segment definitions for this GL account.

Debits and Credits

To view debits and credits, click the Chart button on the toolbar and select Debits and Credits:

GL Account Inquiry 14.png

At the bottom of the screen, you will see the balances for the year, broken out by month. If you right click on any column header in that area, you will have the option to view or save the information:

GL Account Inquiry 3.png

If you wish to view the debits and credits detail for a particular month, double-click that month. This will launch the consolidated activity screen:

GL Account Inquiry 4.png

To see detailed activity, click on the line item. This will populate the Detailed Activity area:

GL Account Inquiry 5.png

Again, if you wish to save the detailed activity to a csv file, you can do so by right clicking on a column header.

To view the detail for a specific transaction within the detailed activity, double-click the line item. This will launch the Transaction Detail screen:

GL Account Inquiry 6.png

From this screen, if you wish to view either the account or the transaction source (investment, loan, etc.), you can double-click on the text in blue:

GL Account Inquiry 7.png

This will launch you into the appropriate screen. For example, if you double-clicked the account number, you will now be viewing the account screen:

GL Account Inquiry 8.png

To return to the previous screen, click Exit. Continue clicking Exit until you return to the GL account information.

Viewing Previous/Next Account and/or year

If you wish to view the previous or next GL account in the chart, or if you wish to view the previous or next year for this account, you can click either the Prev or Next buttons:

GL Account Inquiry 9.png

Budget Comparison

To view the budget comparison for the account, click the Chart button on the toolbar and select Budget Comparison:

GL Account Inquiry 10.png

Your screen will change to reflect the budget comparison view:

GL Account Inquiry 11.png

To drill down into the activity, double-click an item in the Budget Comparison area. This launches the Consolidated Activity screen:

GL Account Inquiry 12.png

To view detailed activity, click one of the line items:

GL Account Inquiry 13.png

To drill into the transaction detail, double-click any line in the Detailed Activity area. When you have finished viewing the information, click Exit. Click Exit again until you are back at the GL account screen.

Prior Year Comparison

To view the prior year comparison for an account, click the Chart button and select Prior Year Comparison:

GL Account Inquiry 15.png

You will now see the balances and prior year comparison information:

GL Account Inquiry 16.png

To drill down into a specific month, double-click the line item. This will launch the Consolidated Activity screen:

GL Account Inquiry 17.png

To view detailed activity, click a line item:

GL Account Inquiry 18.png

To view a specific transaction, double-click on the line item in the Detailed Activity area. This will launch the transaction detail. When you have finished viewing the detail, click Exit until you return to the account screen.

Over/Under Budget

To view the Over/Under Budget screen, click Chart and select Over/Under Budget:

GL Account Inquiry 19.png

This will now populate the bottom portion of the screen with the over/under information:

GL Account Inquiry 20.png

To view consolidated activity for a month, double-click a line item:

GL Account Inquiry 21.png

To view detailed activity, click once on a line item:

GL Account Inquiry 22.png

To view the transaction detail, double-click an item in the Detailed Activity area.

When you have finished viewing the information, click Exit until you return to the account screen.

Activity button

The Activity button on the toolbar has the same results as double-clicking an item in the bottom area of the screen. It will launch the Consolidated Activity screen for whatever information you are viewing.