Income Level Setup

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Overview of Code Set 0014

  • From the main menu of DDI-Connect, double-click Name/Address
  • Double-click Setup
  • Double-click Codes Maintenance. You will see this screen:

Codes maint 1.png

Scroll down until you find the code set you are wanting to modify, and double-click that code set.

The code set you will want to modify for Income levels is #0014 - Earnings codes. Double-click that code set. You will see this screen:

Earnings 1.png

Please note that what you see on this screen will depend entirely on the codes that your organization has already established.

To add a new income level, click the "New" button on the toolbar. You will see this screen:

Earnings 2.png

Field Description
Code Enter a short alphanumeric code
Active If checked, this code will be active and available for selection
Description Enter a description for this code
Security This function utilizes the DDI-Connect Security codes. For a thorough understanding of how security works within DDI-Connect, we recommend you reference the Security document located here: Security Function Maintenance

To set security on a specific code, you would enter the requirements in this format: !NA/7 or #NA. These are just can use whatever security function you like in order to restrict access to a code.

Numeric value 1 This field is utilized by third party external software and should only be modified by DDI staff
Numeric value 2 This field is utilized by third party external software and should only be modified by DDI staff
Text value 1 This field is utilized by third party external software and should only be modified by DDI staff
Text value 2 This field is utilized by third party external software and should only be modified by DDI staff

When you have finished entering the information for each field, click OK to save your changes and add the new code to the list.