FundWriter Setup

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Configuring FundWriter Setup is the first step in preparing the FundWriter system for use. It enables you to indicate the basic account structure your business employs in its chart of accounts and to enable multi-company functionality, among other important settings.

Before your organization can begin using FundWriter, there are certain setup options that lay the foundation. Chief among these is the structure of your general-ledger account numbers: the number of segments and the length and alphanumeric make-up of these segments. FundWriter Setup can also be used to require approval of journal entries, to enable/disable prior-period transactions, and to customize descriptions of fund segments, among other important details.

NOTE: Certain portions of FundWriter Setup become disabled once your organization 
has established its general ledger and begun to record transactions against it. 
For example, you will not be able to easily switch the structure of your account 
segments (number, length, alphanumeric composition, etc.) after GL transactions have 
begun. Therefore it is critical to set up a stable account-segment structure from the 
beginning and stick with it wherever possible. DDI Support and development must assist 
where circumstances warrant a transition to a new account-segment structure

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click FundWriter
  • Double-click General Ledger Setup
  • Double-click FundWriter Setup. You will see this screen:


Please note that what you see on this screen will depend entirely on what your organization has already configured for your FundWriter setup.