Chart of Accounts Setup

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The first time your business uses FundWriter, it must create a new chart of accounts from scratch. For subsequent fiscal years, your organization will be able to copy an existing chart of accounts forward into a new fiscal year, if desired, and make any necessary adjustments for the new chart.

To set up your chart of accounts, you will do the following:

  • From the DDI-Connect main menu, double-click FundWriter
  • Double-click FundWriter Setup
  • Double-click Chart of Accounts Entry. You will see this screen:

File:COA 1.jpg

Please note that what you see on this screen will depend entirely on what your organization has already entered for the Chart of Accounts

All Chart of Account screens will begin with four basic groups: Assets, Liabilities, Income and Expense. To add a new general ledger account, click the + next to the area you are adding to, and then click the Add button on the toolbar. You will see this prompt:

File:COA 2.jpg

  • Choose the type of account you are adding. Your choices are:
    • Account Class: This is essentially a "sub grouping" if you are putting it under one of the primary account classes. If you are at the top level, it will add a primary account class, such as Fund Balances
    • G/L Account: If you select this, the system will add a new GL account below the Account Class you selected
  • If you selected G/L Account, you will now see this screen: