Loan Support Inquiry

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Overview of IL500

The Loan Support Inquiry screen allows you to view the investments supporting a loan. From the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen, click View and select Loan Support Inquiry. You will see a screen similar to this one:

Loan Support Inquiry 1.png

The following information is available on this screen:

Field Description
Account Account number for the borrower
Loan Loan number of the loan you are viewing support for
First advance Date that the first loan advance was issued
First payment Date that the first loan payment was received
Supporting investments Number of investments supporting the loan
Maturity date Date that the loan will mature, assuming all payments are made on time
Total support Combined total dollar amount of investments supporting the loan
Loan commitment Total amount your organization has committed to loan to the borrower
Supporting rate Percent of total loan amount supported by the investment(s)
Loan balance Loan principal balance
Average investment rate Weighted average interest rate of the investments supporting the selected loan
Base loan rate Minimum interest rate to be offered to borrowers in order to ensure that your organization does not lose money on the loan
Supporting inv rate Weighted average of the investments and pools at the time of the last LSP calculation period
Loan interest rate Current interest rate for the selected loan

In the Investment Support area of the screen, you can see information about the supporting investments:

Loan Support Inquiry 2.png

The following information is displayed:

Column Description
Account Account number of the investment holder
Inv # Investment number
Balance Example
Example Example
Example Example
Example Example