Job Processing Date Parameters

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The date parameters for job processing are key to a successful processing run. If the dates are incorrect, they could cause job processing to fail or a report to not run properly. When you click on the calendar icon in the report parameters of any report, you will see this screen:

Date Parameters 1.png

DDI recommends that you avoid using the Fixed Date option, as it limits the flexibility of your reporting.

At the bottom of the date parameters screen, you will see radio buttons for "first" and "last":

Date Parameters 2.png

The options in your Date list will change depending on your selection of either first or last.

When First is Selected

The system will default to current, to indicate the current month. You can click the < and > arrows to modify this setting. You can select Next, 2nd next, etc. In most cases, you will leave this selection as Current:

Date Parameters 3.png

In addition to the days of the week and fixed date, you have the following options when "First" is selected:

Selection Description
Process date Indicates that the report will use the current process date setting when determining the next date to run the report
Business date Indicates that the report will use the current business date setting when determining the next date to run the report
First calendar day of month The system will run the report on the first calendar day of each month
First calendar day of quarter The system will run the report on the first calendar day of each quarter
Example Example
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Example Example