IRS Payee Entry

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Revision as of 18:02, 28 March 2012 by Smiller (talk | contribs)
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Overview of IRS03

The Payee Entry/Update screen allows you to search for existing payee records and modify their information (if needed). You can also add new payees, or delete payees that are no longer needed.

Traditionally, the payee information should have been loaded into the IRS system when your organization completed year end processing. The following reports allow you to update the IRS system:

  • IL276 - Generate 1099 Statements
  • IL272 - Generate 1099R Statements
  • IL273 - Generate 5498 Statements
  • AP34 - Vendor Listing by 1099 Type

If these reports were not run at year end, or they were generated but the IRS information was not updated, you can generate them again to load the IRS information.