IRS Reporting Box Setup

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Overview of IRS15

In order to properly report the necessary 1099 forms, you must set up the boxes for each form. To set up the IRS form boxes:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click IRS Reporting System
  • Double-click Setup
  • Double-click Boxes Setup. You will see this screen:

IRS Boxes 1.png

Click the list icon to display a list of forms set up within the IRS Reporting System:

IRS Boxes 2.png

Select the form you wish to work with. You will now see the Box Setup screen:

IRS Boxes 3.png

Click the New icon on the toolbar. The box fields now activate:

IRS Boxes 4.png

Enter the box number and the box label. Click the checkbox to indicate that the box is active:

IRS Boxes 5.png

Click Save. Repeat these steps for each box on the form.