IRS Extract

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Overview of IRS04

The IRS Extract allows your organization to generate the files needed to electronically report 1099 information to the IRS.

Traditionally, the payee information should have been loaded into the IRS system when your organization completed year end processing. The following reports allow you to update the IRS system:

  • IL276 - Generate 1099 Statements
  • IL272 - Generate 1099R Statements
  • IL273 - Generate 5498 Statements
  • AP34 - Vendor Listing by 1099 Type

If these reports were not run at year end, or they were generated but the IRS information was not updated, you can generate them again to load the IRS information.

Once the information has been loaded into the IRS Reporting system, you can generate the IRS data file. To do so:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click IRS Reporting System
  • Double-click Reports
  • Double-click IRS Extract. The parameters screen will launch:

IRS Extract 1.png

You have the following fields available to you:

Field Description
Tax year Example
Form code Example
Payer Example
Transmitter Example
State Example
Only include records which have state tax withheld Example
AIC include Example
AIC exclude Example
File Mode Example
Test count Example
Extract filename Example