Re-depositing an Investment

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Overview of IL215

Occasionally you may make a withdrawal from the wrong investment. This could occur, for example, if you were to inadvertently transpose two numbers in the investment ID. When an incorrect withdrawal occurs, if you are unable to utilize the Financial Transaction Erase process, you can use a redeposit and subsequent payout from the correct investment to reverse the error. This procedure describes the process of re-depositing a cash receipt to the appropriate investment.

Step 1: Create a Cash Receipt batch in Stage 1 for the amount that you wish to redeposit to the investment

Step 2: Use Payment Processing to process the re-deposit

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Data Processing
  • Double-click Payment Processing. You will see a screen similar to this one:

Redeposit 1.png

Locate the batch containing the item that you wish to redeposit:

Redeposit 2.png

Double-click the item. This will activate the distribution tab:

Redeposit 3.png