Investment Category Maintenance

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Overview of IL260

Investment categories, also called term categories, are classifications distinguished by various details that apply to the investments they contain. Investments in a category have the same or similar term lengths and their interest rates fall within a defined range. They affect the same accounts in the general ledger and adhere to the same parameters for deposits, withdrawals, and balance amounts. Multiple investment types can be set up under a single investment category. To add a new investment category:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Investments
  • Double-click Setup
  • Double-click Investment Category Maintenance. You will see a screen similar to this one:

Investment Category Maintenance 1.png

To add a new investment category, click the Add button on the toolbar. You will see this screen:

Investment Category Maintenance 2.png

There are two tabs to configure when adding a new investment category.

Settings Tab

The following fields are found on the Settings tab:

Field Description
Term Category This is an alphanumeric field, establishing the code assigned to this investment (term) category. Your organization can determine its own coding rules.
Description A brief description of the new category
High % This is the maximum interest rate allowed for investment types in this category
Low % This is the minimum interest rate allowed for investment types in this category. This field defaults to 0%
Current % The current interest rate for investment types in this category
Extension type Sets the default extension type for investments in this category. Type the code or click the list icon to select from a list of active investment types in the system
Demand note If selected, investment types in this category are shown as demand notes
Allow additional deposits Indicates whether additional deposits are allowed once investments within this category are purchased. Demand notes always allow additional deposits. This option provides users the ability to allow additional deposits to term notes if necessary
Form code Default form code to use when printing investment notes of the current category. Type the form code or click the list icon to select from a list of active form codes in the system
Default term The default number of months until maturity for investment types in this category
Min wdraw Minimum withdrawal amount for investments in this category
Max wdraw % The maximum percentage of investment balance that can be withdrawn for investments in this category
Min deposit Minimum deposit amount for investments in this category
Min balance Minimum overall balance for investments in this category
Penalty % The percentage to be applied as a penalty when early withdrawals are made, if applicable
Penalty days If the penalty is to be waived if within a certain number of days to maturity, enter that number of days here
Step-Up count If this investment category allows investors to "step up" their interest rate based on deposits, you can enter the number of times the interest is allowed to "step up" here. Once the limit is reached, investment interest cannot be increased unless the current interest rate changes

Click the General Ledger tab.

General Ledger Tab

Investment Category Maintenance 3.png

On this tab, you can establish the default general ledger accounts for certain transactions associated with this investment category. For each item, you can type in the appropriate GL number, or click the list icon to select from a list of active general ledger accounts in the system. Your options are:

Field Description
Cash Suspense Account debited when penalty amounts are increased via financial adjustments. This account then needs to be cleared via a manual journal entry in order to correctly reflect the true reason for the shift in penalty
Daily Trans A/P Account credited when investment withdrawals are requested. This is typically a liability account, which is then cleared when the payment (check, EFT) is made
EOM Int Payment Account credited when investment interest needs to be paid. Similar to the daily accounts payable account
Interest Expense Account debited when interest is calculated on an investment. This interest eventually needs to be paid to the investment owner. As a result the account is typically an expense account
Interest Reserve Account credited when interest is calculated on an investment. This account is typically a liability account and is cleared when interest payments are made
Interest W/H Reserve Account credited when interest is withheld from an interest check for various reasons (i.e., missing tax ID information, mandated withheld by the IRS). This account is typically a liability account, and the amounts that appear in it should be submitted to the IRS
Misc Adjust Expense All-purpose account used in the financial adjustment process. Used as the offsetting account when changing principal balance, accrued interest, and interest withheld. A manual journal should be performed on a case-by-case basis in order to clear this miscellaneous adjustment activity
Penalty Income Account debited when penalty amounts are withheld from an investment payment because of early redemption

When you have finished entering all of the information, click Save to retain your changes.