Investment Category Maintenance

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Overview of IL260

Investment categories, also called term categories, are classifications distinguished by various details that apply to the investments they contain. Investments in a category have the same or similar term lengths and their interest rates fall within a defined range. They affect the same accounts in the general ledger and adhere to the same parameters for deposits, withdrawals, and balance amounts. Multiple investment types can be set up under a single investment category. To add a new investment category:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Investments
  • Double-click Setup
  • Double-click Investment Category Maintenance. You will see a screen similar to this one:

Investment Category Maintenance 1.png

To add a new investment category, click the Add button on the toolbar. You will see this screen:

Investment Category Maintenance 2.png

There are two tabs to configure when adding a new investment category.

Settings Tab

The following fields are found on the Settings tab:

Field Description
Term Category This is an alphanumeric field, establishing the code assigned to this investment (term) category. Your organization can determine its own coding rules.
Description Example
High % Example
Low % Example
Current % Example
Extension type Example
Demand note Example
Allow additional deposits Example
Form code Example
Default term Example
Min wdraw Example
Max wdraw % Example
Min deposit Example
Min balance Example
Penalty % Example
Penalty days Example
Step-Up count Example