Country Format Maintenance

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Overview of NA07

The Country Format Maintenance screen allows your organization to set up and maintain information about valid countries within the Name/Address (CRM) system. To add a new country:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Name/Address System
  • Double-click Setup
  • Double-click Country Format Maintenance. You will see this screen:

Country Codes 1.png

To add a new country, click the Add button. You will see this screen:

Country Codes 2.png

You have the following fields available to you:

Field Description
Country code Enter the four character, alphanumeric code used to identify this country
Description Enter the country name
Postal cd format The number of characters a country’s postal codes contain and their locations within the code. For example, the U.S. postal code format would be “99999-9999”. Indicates which characters are alpha and which are numeric
Address format Standard locations of the following components within the address in the selected country: city, state code, state name, ZIP, country name. See the list of available macro codes in the area below the editable portion of the window (when in edit mode). This formatting information is used for labels, name blocks, and other circumstances in DDI-Connect where positioning of these elements is critical
State label Alternate term for the “states” within the specified country. When selecting a country that uses provinces instead of states, for example, the onscreen label would change to the label indicated here (“Province”). This would be evident in DDI-Connect modules such as Name/Address and Event Registration
State abbrev Alternate abbreviation for the “states” within the specified country. When selecting a country that uses provinces instead of states, for example, the onscreen label would change to the abbreviation indicated here (such as “PROV”). This would be evident in DDI-Connect modules such as Name/Address and Event Registration
Postal website URL of a web site enabling you to search for a postal code based on a street address (if known)

When you have finished adding the information, click Save.