Adding Memos

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Overview of NA30UPD

Throughout the DDI system, there are screens that allow you to add memos to certain records, such as Name/Address, Accounts, Investments, Loans and Gifts. Memos are notes added to a record. They can be sorted by memo code and category, and you can even attach documents and other files.

The first step in adding memos to any record is to make sure that you have set up the memo codes and categories. Once you have done so, you are ready to begin adding memos to records.

For the purposes of this document, we are going to add a memo to constituent. Once you reach the Memo screen - regardless of what kind of record you are working with - the functions are all the same. When you first view the Memo screen, it will look something like this:

Memo Add 1.png

To add a new memo, click the New button on the toolbar. The memo fields will now activate:

Memo Add 2.png

You have the following options:

Field Description
Pop up from If you wish to have the memo "pop up" when the record is accessed - for example, when the constituent record is viewed - you can enter a date when the pop up should begin. You can type the date in a mm/dd/yyyy format, or click the calendar icon to select the date
thru Enter the ending date for the pop up, if you wish to have it stop appearing after a certain time. Enter the date in a mm/dd/yyyy format, or click the calendar icon to select the date
Memo code Select the memo code that you wish to assign to this memo. You can type in the code or click the list icon to select from a list of active memo codes in the system
Value If the memo code that you selected was configured to prompt for a value, this field will become active
Category Select the memo category you wish to assign to this memo by clicking the drop down and selecting from a list of active categories in the system
Text box The area to the right of the fields is the text box, where you can type your memo

Once you have finished entering your memo, click Save. You will now note that the Attachment icons become active:

Memo Add 3.png

Click the New Attachment icon. The Add Attachment box will appear:

Memo Add 4.png

Field Description
File Click the folder icon to navigate to the file you wish to attach to the record. You can attach most file types to memos. Exceptions are executable and other program files that could contain harmful content
Description Enter a brief description of the file
Private If this memo should only be viewable by you and those with appropriate security, you can check the Private box

When you have finished entering the information, click OK. Your memo and attachment are now added, and will appear something like this:

Memo Add 5.png

Note that you now have additional file attachment icons:

Memo Add 6.png

The icons represent:

Icon Description
Add a new attachment
Delete the selected attachment
Edit the selected attachment
View the selected attachment