Web Offerings Maintenance

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Overview of IL371UPD

Web Offerings Maintenance allows CEF staff to manage the investment offerings available for investment purchases in the Online-CEF web application. All offerings must have already been created via the Type and Rate Maintenance program within DDI Connect. For information on how to set up investment types, please reference this page: Investment Type and Rate Maintenance

To access this screen:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Online-CEF
  • Double-click Web Offerings Maintenance. You will see a screen similar to this one:

Web Offering 1.png

NOTE: Online investment offerings must be managed separately for each account type: Individuals, Churches and Organizations. If you have an investment type that will need to be available for all three account types, you will have to set it up on each screen.

You have the following options on this screen:

Field Description
Account type Selects which account type (Individual, Church, Organization) for which investment offerings are being viewed / managed
Expand variables When checked, variables in the investment offerings displayed in the list will be expanded (replaced by actual values)
Description The offering’s (or offering group’s) description. This is the text will be shown in Online-CEF when the investor selects the offering for their new investment. The description can contain variables – see the section titled Variables below. The description should not contain HTML tags unless individual words need to be formatted within the description. To format the entire description, use the formatting controls explained below
Category The investment category. This is a required value
Type The investment type. This value is optional – if left blank, the investment type will be selected automatically at the time of purchase based on the currently available type for the investment category
Term Investment term (in months)
Rate Current interest rate
Available online When checked, indicates that this offering is to be shown in Online-CEF and is available for the purchase of an investment
Text color Click the colored box to select the text color for the description. To the right of this box is a field where a HEX representation of the desired color may be entered. The HEX representation must be formatted as “#RRGGBB” where R, G, or B is a hex digit 0-9 or A-F. These determine the red, green, and blue color values
Bold Check Bold to format the description using a bold font
Italic Click Italic to format the description using an italic font
Underline Click Underline to underline the description

The following variables can be included in the description for offerings. Variables are replaced by actual values by the Online-CEF application:

  • $MIN – Minimum purchase amount
  • $RATE – Current interest rate
  • $TERM – Investment term (in months)

The following toolbar buttons can be found on this screen:

Toolbar button Description
New group Adds a new offering group. Groups are not offerings but serve to visually distinguish related offerings in the web page presented to the investor in Online-CEF
New offer Adds a new offering
Edit Allows editing of the selected group or offering
Cut Removes / cuts the currently selected offering or group. Use Paste to re-insert the cut record elsewhere in the list
Paste Pastes the previously cut offering or group back into the list
Save Saves all changes to the investment offerings
Undo Undo all changes made to the investment offerings since the previous save
History View the history of changes for the currently selected offering