Transfer and Payout

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Performing an Investment Transfer and Payout (IL200XFER)

In some cases an investor may want to transfer a portion of an investment to another established investment or a new investment, while withdrawing the remainder. This is the purpose of Transfer and Payout. The Transfer and Payout function enables you to specify the portions of an investment to be used for each purpose. Investments receiving transferred funds will typically be demand notes, as most term investment notes cannot receive additional contributions.

To perform the transfer and payout:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Investments
  • Double-click Transactions
  • Double-click 200 Transfer and Payout. You will see this screen:

Transfer Payout 1.png

The first step is to select or create the investment that you are going to transfer TO. If you are transferring to an existing investment, you can click the list or the binocular icon to search for the investment you are transferring to. If you are adding a new investment, click the New icon to launch the Investment Add screen:

Transfer Payout 2.png