Loan Correspondents

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Revision as of 13:57, 30 March 2023 by Bejensen (talk | contribs)
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The Loan Correspondents screen allows you to view any loan correspondents associated with a particular loan. You can view information such as the correspondent category, PIN, ABA (Routing) number, bank account, bank name, and other associated fields. To view a loan's correspondents:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Financial Inquiry
  • Look up the loan that you wish to view
  • On the toolbar, click View and select Loan Correspondents:

Loan Correspondents Dropdown.png

When the screen loads, you will see something similar to this:

Loan Correspondents.png

To add a new correspondent, click the Add button on the toolbar. The correspondent fields will now activate:

Loan Correspondents Add.png

You have the following options:

Field Description
Correspondent The dropdown allows you to choose the description of the correspondent you are adding. Ex. Beneficiary, Borrower, Cosigner, etc.
Pin You can manually enter the constituent pin, you can use the binocular icon to search for the pin, you can choose the icon with the '+', and the system will pick the next pin in sequence, and take you to the screen to add a constituent, or finally, you can choose the icon with the 'pencil' and the system will take you to the screen to enter a new constituent with a pin of your choosing.
Memo code Select the memo code that you wish to assign to this memo. You can type in the code or click the list icon to select from a list of active memo codes in the system
Value If the memo code that you selected was configured to prompt for a value, this field will become active
Category Select the memo category you wish to assign to this memo by clicking the drop down and selecting from a list of active categories in the system
Subject Memo subject
Date occurred Date the subject occurred
Person responsible Click the icon to the right to choose from a list of system users
Primary contact Leave as None or choose from the pull-down
Topics Multiple topics can be selected at one time. In edit mode, topics can be added to or removed from the memo
Type Communication method
Text box The area below the fields is the text box, where you can type your memo