Transaction Approvals

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Overview of Transaction Approvals

Transaction Approvals allows for approvals on Investment, Loan, Line of Credit and Portfolio transaction types. You will be able to select which transactions across each of the four submodules requires approval and one universal transaction approval screen (this replaces the three existing approval screens as of the August 2015 Delta).

  • You must go into each module's system settings to select what transactions that you require approval for.

Investment Module

In the Investment System Settings screen (Financial Services --> Investments --> Setup), there is an Approvals tab. Click on the options that for which you would like to require approvals. Investment System Settings - Approvals.png

Line of Credit Module

In the System Settings screen (Financial Services --> Line of Credit--> Setup), there is an Approvals tab. Click on the options that for which you would like to require approvals.

Line of Credit - Approvals.png

Loan Module

In the Loan System Settings screen (Financial Services --> Loans--> Setup), there is an Approvals tab. Click on the options that for which you would like to require approvals.

Loans - Approvals.png

Portfolio Module

In the Portfolio System Settings screen (Financial Services --> Portfolio--> Setup), there is an Approvals tab. Click on the options that for which you would like to require approvals.

Portfolio - Approvals.png

Transaction Approvals (IL187)

This screen allows for approvals to be applied. From this screen, you will be able to view and/or update the account, source (Investment, Loan, Line of Credit or Portfolio) or TaxID (for the Constituent) record. You can also view the transaction detail screen on each transaction.

Approve Transactions.png

Base Option Description
Actions Update Account - opens the Account Entry screen

Update Source - Opens the Maintenance screen
Update TaxID - Opens the Name/Address screen
View Before/After Detail - Opens the Edit History screen
View Source - Opens the Maintenance screen
View Transaction Detail - Opens the Transaction Detail screen

Approve/Approval all/Unapprove Approve and Unapprove - select the record and click on either the Approve or Unapprove buttons

Approve All - All transactions will be approved

Type You can view all transaction types or select a specific transaction type: All, Investments, Loans, Line of Credit and Portfolio
Status View All transaction or filter for Unapproved or Approved

Type Description
Investments Investment Fields.png
Line of Credit Line of Credit Fields.png
Loans Loans Fields.png
Portfolio Portfolio Fields.png


Function Description
ILAPPR Can Approve: All transactions except those they created by user

Can Unapprove: Only transactions originally approved by user

ILAPPRSU Can Approve: All transactions regardless of who created them

Can Unapprove: All transactions regardless of who originally approved them


  • This was implemented in the August 2015 Delta (R44894)


Historical transactions must be approved prior to turning on transaction approvals system-wide. See Approve Historical Transactions Report