2014 User Group Presentations

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Below you will find links for the presentations and materials presented during the 2014 User Group Meeting in Indianapolis, IN. If you are unable to view or download any of the materials, please contact DDI Client Support for assistance.

Topics discussed are: Accounting Reconciliation Reporting and Budgets, Connect-FR, Cool Tools, Dashboard, Enhance your Future, Relationships, Mail Merge, Online CEF, Processes, Next Generation of DDI Connect, and Much More...

Presentation Files

Session Name File Link
Opening Session Opening Session.pdf
Accounting Reconciliation Reporting and Budgets Accounting Reconciliation Reporting & Budgets.pdf
Connect-FR Connect-FR.pdf
Cool Tools Cool Tools.pdf
Dashboard Dashboard.pdf
DiscipleData, Inc DiscipleData, Inc.pdf
Enhance your Future Enhance your Future.pdf
Manage Your Relationships Manage Your Relationships.pdf
Mastering Mail Merge Mastering Mail Merge.pdf
Maximizing Connectivity Maximizing Connectivity.pdf
Online CEF Online CEF.pdf
Processes Processes.pdf
Be Part of the Next Generation of DDI Be_Part_of_the_Next_Generation_of_DDI.pdf
Product Development File:Product Development-v2.pdf
Project Management File:Project Management.pdf
See the Next Chapter of DDI-Connect File:See the Next Chapter of DDI-Connect.pdf
Utilize Your Data Extracts Utilize Your Data Extracts.pdf