Bank Reconciliation

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Overview of FW78 - Bank Reconciliation

This program is designed to assist the user in reconciling their checking account general ledger and/or any other general ledger account that is in DDI-Connect.

Getting Started

1. Select your Checking Account or General Ledger Account you want to reconcile.

2. Enter your start and end date.

Note: Since general ledger transactions go back to the day you started using the system, to start using this program you may want to clear everything to a particular start date. Then use that same start date for the rest of that fiscal year (that way it will show you everything outstanding from that date).

3. Choose Outstanding Items then click "View Items". This will load the outstanding general ledger items into the grids below.

4. Enter in the ending balance from your bank checking accounts statement in the top right hand corner.

5. Start clearing items in the Debits/Credits grids. You can use your Shift or CTRL keys to select multiple items to clear.

Screen Fields

Field Description
Check Acct This is a selection drop-down list of your checking accounts that are setup in the system.
Date Range Enter the date range you are reconciling. The outstanding debits & credits will be totaled by the outstanding items in this date range. Also, the ending balance will be the ending general ledger balance as of the "thru" date.
View This is a selection drop-down list of viewing options. When reconciling you will want to be viewing the "Outstanding Items". To unclear an item you can switch the view to "Cleared Items" and then find the transaction to unclear. The "All" drop down will show both cleared and outstanding items for that date range.
View Item When the View Item button is pressed, it will pull in the general ledger activity in the grid from the date ranges selected.
Clear Date Enter the date you want the items to be cleared on.
Clear/Unclear Item(s) This button will clear or unclear selected items in the grid.
GL Balance The GL balance is the balance in the general ledger account as of the thru date selected.
Outstanding Debits In some cases, you might wish to have a second name on the constituent record. If this is desired, type the second name here. Again, DDI does not recommend having more than one constituent name on a record, but if that is your organization's preferred method, this is where you would add the second name
Tax ID If your organization manages investments or loans, the tax ID is a critical piece of information for reporting purposes. For individuals, this number is the social security number. For organizations and churches, it is their Tax ID number
Source If your organization tracks where the constituent came to you from (for example, a radio ad, a specific appeal, etc.), you can enter a short source code here
Salutation As you enter the name, the DDI Connect system will automatically populate the salutation field with your organization's default salutation. However, if you click the box to the right of the salutation field, you can establish a salutation format for this constituent.
Address Enter the street address for this constituent
Country The system default is to set the country as the United States. However, you can click the list icon to the right and select the country from the list of available countries
ZIP Type in the ZIP code for the constituent. If you are not sure what it is, you can click the binoculars and launch the Postal Code finder utility
City The City information will automatically populate when the ZIP code is entered. If more than one city is assigned to the ZIP, the system will prompt you to select the correct City
ST The State information will automatically populate when you enter the ZIP code
County The County will automatically populate when you enter the ZIP code. However, you can change the county by clicking on the drop down arrow and selecting from the available list
Region If your organization is utilizing regions, that information will automatically populate when you enter the ZIP code. However, you can change the region by clicking on the drop down arrow and selecting from the available list
Community If your organization is utilizing communities, that information will automatically populate when you enter the ZIP code. However, you can change the region by clicking on the drop down arrow and selecting from the available list
Phone Enter the phone in this format: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Primary Address If this box is selected, the system will default to this address as being the constituent's primary. Primary information is indicated in BOLD on the Contact tab
Residency If you click the drop down, you will see that you have three options: Primary resident, non-primary resident and separate mailing. Primary residents receive all mailings by default. Non-primary residents do NOT receive mailings, and separate mailing indicates that this resident should always receive a separate mailing, even when the "combine residents" option is selected on extracts
Comment This field allows you to enter a brief comment for this contact record. For example "Only available after 7 PM EST"
Dates If you enter a date range here, the system will automatically only select this address within those dates. For example, if you are establishing a vacation address, you can enter a date range so that the system automatically uses the vacation address if mailings are being extracted within those dates