Why Can't I Effective Date My Transaction?

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I am trying to add an effective date to my transaction. However, the system isn't letting me enter it. I keep getting an error when I try to enter the effective date

The DDI Connect system allows you to perform effective dating on certain financial transactions. However, there are some rules that surround the use:

NOTE: DDI does not recommend using effective dating on a regular basis. This process should be the exception, not the rule

  • You cannot effective date a transaction beyond the current business date, other than loan advances. So, if your system's business date is 08/31 and you are attempting to effective date a transaction to 09/01, you will receive an error. Loan advances will allow you to effective date up to 7 days in the future
  • You should not effective date loans back beyond the current business month. If you do, the loan EOM interest posting will not be able to calculate properly, and you will receive an error when you attempt any financial transactions, such as loan payments, loan financial adjustments, etc.
  • You cannot post across transactions, other than accruals. So, if you are attempting to effective date a transaction to a date prior to any other transaction (other than the accrual transactions), the system will give you an error
  • Effective dating will not automatically re-calculate fields such as accumulated interest. If you effective date a transaction that has implications on the accrued or compounded interest, for example, you will have to perform financial adjustments to update those fields as needed
  • Not all transactions allow for effective dating. Those that do allow it will have the Effective Date field