Quarterly Reports Not Showing Interest Earned When Investments Opened in Quarter End Month

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We have noticed that our quarterly reports do not show interest earned if opened the same month the quarter ends. How do we get this interest to appear on those reports?

If your interest payment method is configured to be “based on current month”, but you do not have the system configured to Pay in Purchase Month, the interest will not appear on those reports for investments purchased in the month that the quarter ends. The Pay In Purchase Month option indicates whether investment interest should be paid in the purchase month. If interest payments are quarterly, for example, and an investment is purchased in June, should interest be paid at the end of June? The alternative would be deferring interest payment until the following quarter. Note: This selection only applies in cases where the interest payment method is based on the current and purchase month.

So, if you wish to have investments pay in the month they are purchased (if it happens to be a quarter ending month), you can go to the Investment System Settings and select that option. Going forward, investments purchased in a quarter ending month will display their interest on these reports.