Subledger segment 6

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Overview of FW Code Set 0025

Subledger segments are defined as key-value pairs in codes 0021 through 0029. The code is the key, and the description contains the value. The first general character field is used to define parameters to called programs, and the second general character field is used with the "DESCR" key to indicate whether the segment code description is cached. ("Y" for caching, "N" or blank to always recalculate the description).

NOTE: Subledger segments should only be configured with the assistance of DDI Client Support

When you double-click the Subledger segment 6 code set, you will see a screen similar to this one:

FW0025 1.png

To add a new code, click the New button on the toolbar. You will see this screen:

FW0025 2.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Code The code field is used to identify the key used by the system to define the segment
Description The description field provides the value that matches the key configured in the code field above
Numeric value 1 This field is not used for this code set
Numeric value 2 This field is not used for this code set
Parameters The parameters field defines programs or procedures that accomplish certain tasks. For example, if you are configuring a code to get the NA Code description, you would configure the parameters field to run that procedure
Cache? Indicates whether the segment code description is cached. ("Y" for caching, "N" or blank to always recalculate the description)

When you have finished entering the information, click OK to add the new code.