Redeem (Payout) an Investment

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How to Redeem an Investment (Investment Payout - IL200PAY)

To process an investment payout:

  • From the DDI-Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Investments
  • Double-click Transactions
  • Double-click 200 Investment Payout. You will see this screen:

Payout 1.png

  • In the Inv # field, type the investment number that you are redeeming. You can also click the list icon to the right of the field to display a list of all investments in the system, or click the binoculars to search for an investment. Click Find or press Enter to continue. The screen will now populate with the information:

Payout 2.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Inv # Displays the investment number you are working with
Account Displays the account number of the investment holder
Category Displays the investment category
Type Displays the investment type
Account Information Displays the account name and address
Principal Displays the current principal of the investment
Interest Displays any interest currently accrued for this investment
Total Value Displays the total value (principal + interest) of the investment
Original Original amount of the investment
Purchased Displays the date the investment was purchased
Penalty % Displays the penalty % to be applied to any payouts
Since purch Number of days between the purchase date and today
Apply penalty If this is selected, the system will calculate the penalty to be applied to the payout
Interest method Click the drop down to select either accrue (accrue interest to investment) or pay (pay interest with the payout)
Payment method Click the drop down to select the method to be used for the payout
Principal Enter the amount of principal to be paid out
Remaining prin If you are paying out less than the entire principal, the Remaining prin field will update to reflect the principal remaining after the payout
+Interest If you elected to pay interest, this field will update with the current accrued interest on the investment
-Penalty If you elected to apply penalty, the penalty amount will be displayed here. If your organization has elected to allow qualified users to override the system calculated penalty, and the user performing the payout meets the required security setting, the penalty amount can be manually overridden. Otherwise, the penalty will be the system calculated amount
-Withhold If your organization is configured to withhold amounts when an investor's social security/tax ID is blank, and the investment you are working with does not have a tax ID, the amount being withheld will be shown here
Total Payout Displays the total payout amount (Principal + Interest - Penalty - Withhold)
Taxable If any portion of the payout is taxable, that amount will be displayed here

When you have finished entering the information, click Save to retain your changes.

If you click the MODE button, the system will move your cursor from the Principal to the Total Payout field. Enter the total amount being paid out. The system will then automatically calculate the amounts for principal, remaining principal, interest, penalty, etc. based on the other settings you selected.

If you click View while on this screen, you will be taken to the Investment Inquiry screen.