Change General Ledger Account Assigned to Loan Setting

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How Do I Change the General Ledger Account Assigned to a Loan Setting?

  • From the DDI-Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Loans
  • Double-click Setup
  • Double-click Loan System Settings. You will see this screen:

  • Click either the General Ledger or the General Ledger 2 tab, depending on what GL account you wish to change. You will see this screen:

  • When you locate the GL account you are wanting to change, click Edit. This will activate the fields for editing
  • Change the GL account by either typing it into the field or clicking the list icon to the right of the field. If you click the list icon, the system will display a list of all GL accounts for your organization
  • After you have made your changes, click Save