Generate Check File

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Overview of CW39

The Generate Check File allows you to generate a report and file in csv format, based on parameters you select. The extract also allows you to update check status. This report is primarily used for clients who manage their banking outside of DDI Connect, and have a need to update manually generated (offline) check status. You have the option of creating the output in data file, ftp format or email. The output includes information such as vendor ID, name of check recipient, amount of the check and a description of the check. The file output includes fields for the control number, check description, vendor name, vendor number, account number, check amount and GL number affected. To run this report:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click CheckWriter
  • Double-click Reports
  • Double-click Generate Check File. The parameters screen will launch:


The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Date range/thru Enter the beginning and ending dates of the range you wish to report on. You can type it in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date
Checking account Example
Update check status? Example
Include source codes Example
Exclude source codes Example
Output file to Example
Filename* Example