AI Code Setup

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AI Code Setup (NA32)

Account Information, or AI codes, are used by the DDI-Connect system to categorize your constituents in ways that are meaningful to you and your organization. Properly configuring your AI codes will allow you to easily search for and report on constituents in a number of ways. This document will provide you with information on how to add AI code groups and codes to the DDI-Connect system.

Note: You must have the appropriate security level for the function NASETUP to add and edit AI codes. If you do not have the ability to access the screens described below, please contact your organization's DDI contact or contact DDI Client Support for assistance.

Adding a New AI Code Group

Within DDI-Connect, there are two types of AI code groups: radio button groups and checkbox groups. A radio button group only allows users to select one option from within the group, whereas a checkbox group allows for multiple choices within the group. For example, you might create an AI code group called Account Type, with AI codes for Individual, Church and Organization. You would only want users to select one option from that list, so you could configure the group to be a radio button group. Another AI code group that you might create could be Events Attended, with several different codes for each event that your organization hosts. A constituent could possibly attend more than one event, so you would want to make that group a checkbox group.

To create a new group:

Navigate to Name/Addres --> Setup --> AI Codes Maintenance

You will now see the AI Code Setup screen:

File:AI Setup 1.jpg

The DDI-Connect system will insert a new group directly below the line you select. So, to insert a new group, click the line that you want directly ABOVE the new group. Next, click the New group icon on the toolbar:

File:AI Setup 2.jpg

What you see now is the Group Properties box for the AI code group.

For the purposes of this example, we will assume that we are creating a Checkbox group. When you click that radio button, you will see the example box on the right change to show you an example of this type of group.

Now you'll tell the system about the new group you are creating.

Description: Provide the system with a unique description of this AI code group. Make sure that you use a description that will be meaningful to you and other users in your organization

Group Defaults: These options will tell the system where the AI codes within this group will be used in the system. Your options are:

Use with Constituent Records: If selected, this tells the system that you will use these codes with constituent records
Use with Accounts: If selected, this tells the system that you will use these codes with accounts
Automatically Reconcile: This option is only visible if "Use with Accounts" is selected. If you choose this option, the DDI-Connect system will automatically add this AI code to all accounts linked to the account you add the AI code to.

For example, you have a master account for Donald Smith. 
Linked to his account are the accounts for his spouse, his father 
and his sister. If your AI codes are set up to automatically 
reconcile, adding an AI code to Donald's account will result in that 
same AI code being added to the accounts for his spouse, 
father and sister.

List of AI codes required for this code to be valid: If you want this code group to only be usable if one or more other AI codes exist on the record, this is where you would configure that option.

For example, you are setting up an AI code group for large donors. 
You don't want users to be able to add any of these AI codes to a record 
unless the AI code of "DN" (for donor) is present. So, you would enter DN 
in this field. If users were to try to add a code from this group to a 
constituent record that did NOT have the code DN present, the system would 
not allow it.

List of AI codes that cannot be used with this code: You can also tell the system not to allow codes in this group to be used if certain other codes already exist on the record.
For example, you are creating a special AI code group for church
records. You might want to tell the system to prevent codes in this
group from being added to records where the AI code "IN" (individual)
is present.

Security: If your organization plans to create special AI code groups that are only visible (or able to be edited) by certain people, you might choose to establish security to view, add or remove the group or codes within the group. This function utilizes the DDI-Connect Security codes. For a thorough understanding of how security works within DDI-Connect, we recommend you reference the Security document located here: Security Function Maintenance

To set security on a specific AI code, you would enter the requirements in this format: !NA/7 or #NA. These are just can use whatever security function you like in order to restrict access to an AI code.

For example, if you enter !NA/8 in any of these fields, a user of 
the system must have a security level of 8 or higher for the security 
function of NA

Review your screen. If everything looks correct, click OK. Your new group should now be visible on the AI Code Setup screen:

File:AI Setup 3.jpg

It's now time to create codes for your new group.

Adding New AI Codes

To add new AI codes, first make sure that the group you are adding the codes to is selected. Then, click New Code on the toolbar:

File:AI Setup 4.jpg

Clicking the New code button launches the AI Code Properties screen:

File:AI Setup 5.jpg

You'll notice that in addition to the fields you saw when you added the new AI Code group, you have some other options when you add a new AI code.

AI code: Enter a 4 digit code for this AI code that is unique and easily identifiable
Internal code: This field is used by certain AI codes within the system that are automatically assigned by DDI-Connect. For example, Connect-FR assigns the AI code "DN" to any constituent who has given a gift. This AI code also has an internal code of DN, which allows your organization to set the AI code to something else. Perhaps your organization wants all donors to have an AI code of "DON", so you rename the "DN" AI code "DON". The internal code of "DN" tells all the DDI-Connect systems what this code is used for. If the internal code is missing or changed, it would not allow the system to function properly.
Description: Enter a description for this AI code
Active?: If this is selected, it indicates that the AI code is active and able to be used

The rest of the fields on this screen have the same functionality as described above, with AI Code groups.

Once you have made your selections, click OK to create the new code. It will appear in the group:

File:AI Setup 6.jpg

You can repeat this process as often as you wish. There are no limitations to how many AI codes can exist in a group, but it is important to note that the longer the list of codes in a group, the harder it will be for your users to locate the ones they need.

Before leaving the page, be sure to click Save on the toolbar to retain your changes.