Adding an Investment

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Adding a New Investment to the DDI Connect System(IL210)

There are certain situations in which you will need to add a new investment without purchasing one using the Cash Processing procedure. For example, if you have an investor whose investment is maturing and they want to reinvest, you would add a new investment and use the transfer and payout screen.

NOTE: This screen should NOT be used to purchase a new investment. New investment purchases should be processed via the Investment Purchase process. For information on how to perform that procedure, please reference this page: Purchasing an Investment

To add a new investment:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Investments
  • Double-click Transactions
  • Double-click Investment Add. You will see this screen:

Invest Add 1.png

  • The system will automatically assign the next available investment number
  • Enter the account number for the investor. You can opt to type in the account number or click the search icon to the right of the field to locate the account. You can also add a new account from this screen by clicking the New Account icon. For information on how to add a new account to the system, please reference this page: Account Entry. When you have entered or found the account, press enter to continue.