Merge Accounts in General Ledger

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Can I Merge Accounts within the General Ledger? (FW15)

Yes, you are able to merge accounts within the General Ledger. Before doing so, be absolutely sure that it is what you want to do, as the action cannot be undone.

  • From the DDI Connect menu, double-click FundWriter
  • Double-click Administrative Tasks
  • Double-click Account Merge. You will see this screen:

Account merge.png

  • In the "Dying account" field, select the GL account that you are merging FROM
  • In the "Surviving account" field, select the GL account that you are merging TO
  • When you click out of the Surviving account field, the system will update the New description field with the description of the surviving account. If you wish to change the description, you can do so by removing the existing description and typing a new one
  • Click Start
  • As the merge takes place, you will see information in the Merge Results area of the screen:

Merge results.png

As the screen indicates, the merge process only takes a few seconds, regardless of how many transactions there are to merge.

You can now merge other accounts or click Exit to leave the screen.