Investment Estimator

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Overview of IL292

The Investment Estimator tool allows you to estimate the ending balance of an investment as of a particular date. To access the investment estimator tool:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Financial Inquiry
  • Look up the investment that you wish to work with
  • From the Investment Inquiry screen, click View on the toolbar and select Estimator:

Investment Estimator 1.png

The Investment Estimator screen will now launch:

Investment Estimator 2.png

The fields will populate with the investment's current information, such as beginning balance, interest rate, interest method and payment method. Click the Estimate button to estimate the investment's ending balance using the populated information:

Investment Estimator 3.png

If you wish to estimate the ending balance if some of the parameters should change, such as annual return or as of date, you can modify the information and click Estimate again. A second line will be added to the estimate screen:

Investment Estimator 4.png

You can continue to modify fields and estimate the ending balance, as many times as you wish. If you wish to extract the information to a csv file, for reporting purposes or to provide to your investor, right click one of the column headings and select either Display in Excel or extract to csv:

Investment Estimator 5.png