Investment Premium Calculation

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Overview of IL355

The Investment Premium Calculation process gives you the ability to see the impact of paying premium amount due to redeem investments prior to maturity. The report output displays the account, investment number, interest rate, principal balance, accrued interest, previous principal withdrawals and premium information. To run the report:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Investments
  • Double-click Reports
  • Double-click 355 Investment Premium Calculation. The parameters screen will launch:


The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Base date Enter the date you wish to use. You can type it in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date
Premium methods If you wish to run the process for only one or more premium methods, you can do so here. Type the code or codes, separated by commas, or click the list icon to select from a list of active premium methods in the system. Leave the field blank to run for all premium methods
Accrue thru month end If selected, the process will accrue interest through month end. If not, it will be as of the day the process is run
Update If selected, the affected investments will be updated. If not, the report will run in preview only mode