Financial Adjustment for a Loan

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Overview of IL416

During the normal course of processing loans, the various dollar amounts associated with them (principal, interest, reserves, fees, etc.) are updated accordingly and are self-maintaining. However, there may be rare occasions where you need to manually adjust loan financial information. This is the purpose of Loan Financial Adjustment.

There are various circumstances under which you might want to use financial adjustments. If an interest rate on a loan was not adjusted at the proper time, for example, you need to change the amount of interest due on the loan. Or perhaps your organization misapplied a loan payment and chooses not to go through the loan payment reversal process

  • From the DDI-Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Loans
  • Double-click Transactions
  • Double-click Loan Financial Adjustment. You will see this screen:

Loan Fin Adjust 1.png

  • Type in the loan number you wish to adjust, and click Find. The screen will now populate with the loan's information:

Loan Fin Adjust 2.png

  • Locate the line or lines that you are adjusting, and enter the appropriate information. When you have confirmed that the numbers are correct, click Save.

  • The system will prompt you with this message:

Loan Fin Adjust 3.png

If you are sure the numbers are correct, click Yes

You will now see this message:

Transaction Successful.png

Click OK.

NOTE: When you perform a financial adjustment, the system does NOT recalculate any information (such as interest due, etc.). If a financial adjustment affects the interest or principal of a loan, you must also adjust those fields.