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=='''Overview (IL66)'''==
=='''Overview of IL66'''==

Latest revision as of 11:51, 6 July 2012

Overview of IL66

DDI provides a simple program to enable you to roll back unwanted transactions involving investments, loans, lines of credit, or portfolios. Financial Transaction Erase allows you to quickly accomplish this without manually creating the additional transactions that would otherwise be required to counteract the original. When using this program, remember the following:

  • You can only erase financial transactions for the current business day. After the current business day, you must create individual financial transactions to reverse the unwanted transactions
  • If there are multiple sub-trans listed under the same transaction number, you must always erase the most-recent sub-tran first
    • For example, transaction 1198036 has two sub transactions, 1 and 2. You must erase sub transaction 2 before you can erase sub transaction 1

To perform a financial transaction erase, do the following:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Data Processing
  • Double-click Financial Transaction Erase. You will see a screen similar to this one:

Fin Erase 1.png

The following information is displayed on this screen:

Column Description
Tran ID Three-digit number identifying the type of transaction (new investment/loan/line of credit/portfolio, fund transfer, interest, etc.)
Tran # Unique number identifying a transaction. A single transaction may have multiple components. Therefore, you may see more than one row with the same transaction number. Click the column header to display all components of a particular transaction together. This should all display all the sub-transaction number, in order
Sub Tran # Individual component of a transaction listed in the Tran # column. For example, if transaction 1000 has three different components, these would be listed as sub-transaction numbers 1, 2, and 3, each under transaction number 1000
Acct # Account number, investment number, loan number, line of credit number, or portfolio number associated with a single component of a transaction. The column header changes as different selections are made in the Transactions select list above. Click the column header if you want to sort by this criterion
Account Master account number associated with the Acct# in the previous column
Total Amount of the transaction

To perform a financial transaction erase:

Locate the transaction that you are wanting to erase. If you are not sure which transaction you are wanting to erase, you can click on one and then click the Detail icon on the toolbar. The system will display the transaction detail:

Tran Detail.png

Click Exit to return to the Financial Transaction erase screen.

Look at the sub-tran column and determine what (if any) sub transactions exist. If there are sub transactions, start with the most recent first. For example, using transaction 2010907 from our screen shot, there are two sub transactions. So, we'll start with sub transaction 2.

Double-click the transaction to be erased. This will place a check mark in the Tran ID box:

Fin Erase 2.png

Now, double-click sub transaction 1 to place a checkbox in that Tran ID as well.

Click Save to erase the transaction. If successful, you will see this message:

Fin Erase 3.png

Click OK. You can now proceed to erasing other transactions, or click Exit to leave the screen.