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=='''<span style="color:blue;">Overview</span>'''==
=='''Module Security within DDI-Connect (DDI47SET)'''==
The tables below will outline the security functions found within DDI Connect. Please note that you must have administrator rights in order to access these functions. If you cannot access the Security area of DDI Connect, contact your organization's DDI administrator or call DDI Client Support for assistance.
The tables below will outline the security functions found within DDI Connect. Please note that you must have administrator rights in order to access these functions. If you cannot access the Security area of DDI Connect, contact your organization's DDI administrator or call DDI Client Support for assistance.
For information on how to modify DDI Connect security, reference this page:  [[Security within DDI Connect]]
For information on how to modify DDI Connect security, reference this page:  [[Security Function Maintenance]]
===DDI Module===
===DDI Module===
Line 218: Line 218:
===Document Management===
===Document Management===
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Function Name !! Description
| DM || Basic document management security
| DMDELETE || Delete images (to delete a check)
| DMRPTDEL || Allow deletion of other users’ reports
| DMRPTUPD || Allow updating of other users’ reports
| DMSEND || Ability to send an image to another
| DMSETUP || Setup document management system
| DMVIEW || View saved images
===Event Registration===
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Function Name !! Description
| EVPMTACH || Send ACH processed emails
| EVPMTINQ || Inquire on event registration payments
| EVPMTUPD || Modify event registration payment records
| EVWEB || Basic access to EV functions through DDI login
===Extract Module===
{| class="wikitable"
! Function Name !! Description
| EXQUERYALL || Maintain information queries visible to all users
| EXQUERYUPD || Update information queries
===Fixed Assets===
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Function Name !! Description
| FA || Basic Fixed Asset functionality
| FADEPR || Calculate depreciation
| FAEMPDEL || Delete employees
| FAEMPINQ || View employee information
| FAEMPUPD || Update employee information
| FARPT || Run fixed assets reports
| FASETUP || Update fixed assets setup information
| FASSETDEL || Delete assets
| FASSETDIS || Dispose assets
| FASSETINQ || View asset information
| FASSETPOL || Update policies/contracts/warranties
| FASSETSER || Update service records
| FASSETUPD || Update asset information
| FASSETVEH || Update vehicle information
===FundRaiser (Connect-FR)===
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Function Name !! Description
| CAMPINQ || View campaign information
| DONDEL || Delete a donation
| DONDELALL || Delete donor history (via name/address delete)
| DONDELLRG || Delete a large donor’s history
| DONINQ || View donor information
| DONUPD || Change a donation
| FR || Basic FundRaiser access
| FRAPINQ || Inquire on an appeal
| FRAPUPD || Update an appeal
| FRAPUPD || Update an appeal
| FRCMINQ || Inquire on a campaign
| FRCMUPD || Update a campaign
| FRDGADM || Perform additional gift administration
| FRDGINQ || Inquire on gifts
| FRDGUPD || Update gifts
| FRDMINQ || Inquire on a donor account
| FRDMRPTALL || Maintain donor information reports visible to all users
| FRDMRPTUPD || Update donor information reports
| FRDMSETUP || Update system settings
| FRDMUPD || Update a donor account
| FREVDEL || Delete an event
| FREVINQ || Inquire on an event
| FREVRCPTDL || Delete event receipts
| FREVRCPTUP || Update event receipts
| FREVSETUP || Ability to view and edit FR event system settings
| FREVSPINQ || Inquire on an event sponsor
| FREVSPUPD || Update an event sponsor
| FREVUPD || Update an event
| FRLAAPPR || Local allocation approval
| FRLASU || Local allocation super user
| FRNFADM || Named fund update
| FRNFINQ || Named fund inquiry
| FRNFUPDF || Named fund financial adjustment
| FRNFUPDT || Named fund type change
| FRPGINQ || Ability to view planned gifts
| FRPGUPD || Ability to update planned gifts
| FRPLINQ || Inquire on a pledge
| FRPLUPD || Update a pledge
| FRPRINQ || Ability to inquire about programs (T&B)
| FRPRUPD || Ability to update programs (T&B)
| FRRGINQ || Inquire on a recurring gift
| FRRGUPD || Update a recurring gift
| FRVOIDLA || Void Pre-1997 local allocation checks
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Function Name !! Description
| CRCASHINQ || Cash receipts inquiry
| CRCASHUPD || Cash receipts add/update
| FW || Basic FundWriter access
| FWADMIN || Access to administrative tasks menu
| FWAPPR || Document approval
| FWAPPROWN || Approve own documents
| FWBATCHOVR || Modify journals in another user’s batch
| FWCD || Edit code records
| FWCHART || Update chart of accounts
| FWCPYASN || Assign users to companies
| FWCPYUPD || Update companies
| FWINQ || Inquire on account balances
| FWNAADD || Add new FW Name/Address record
| FWNADEL || Delete FW Name/Address record
| FWNAUPD || Edit FW Name/Address record
| FWPPTRAN || Create prior period transactions
| FWPYTRAN || Create prior year transactions
| FWRPGEN || Special menu security to run FundWriter reports
| FWRPGRUN || Run FW report generator reports
| FWRPGUPD || Update FW report generator reports
| FWRPT || Run FundWriter reports
| FWSETUP || Update FW setup information
| FWTRNDEL || Delete journal transactions
| FWTRNINQ || Inquire on GL transactions
| FWTRNMEMO || Update posted journal transaction memos
| FWTRNUPD || Create/update journal transactions
| FWUNPOST || Allows user to reverse posting of GL transactions
===Investment & Loan System===
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Function Name !! Description
| CASHIER || Enter cashier check batches
| CKCASH || Enter cashier check batches
| CKDEL || Delete check batches
| CKEDIT || Edit check batches created by others
| CKHOLD || Check non depositable item
| CKINQ || Inquire on checks input by mailroom/cashier
| CKREFSUM || Exclude check reference summary
| CKUPD || Entering of mailroom check batches
| GLUPD || GL table update
| ILCASH || IL system cash receipting menu access
| ILDAYCHG || IL system business day change
| ILERASE || Erase all IL system transactions
| ILMISCREC || Miscellaneous receipt transaction
| ILSETUP || Setup IL system
| INV || Basic Investment functionality
| INVADD || Investment master add
| INVADJ || Investment financial maintenance transaction
| INVAPPROVE || Investment note printing approval
| INVAUDINQ || Investment audit list review
| INVAUDUPD || Investment  internal audit update
| INVCASH || Investment transfer/payout/purchase transaction
| INVCATINQ || Investment category inquiry
| INVCATUPD || Investment category update/add/delete
| INVDUP || Investment duplicate note transaction
| INVFLEXINQ || Investment flex plus inquiry
| INVFLEXUPD || Investment flex plus update
| INVIDOR || Override dormant/inactive/noaddr investment transactions
| INVINQ || Investment inquiry
| INVINT || Investment force interest posting transactions
| INVIRAUPD || Update IRA transaction information
| INVNAUPD || Investment alternate PIN Name/Address update
| INVNOCASH || Investment non cashier transaction menu access
| INVOPER || Investment console operator (batch updates) access
| INVORIG || Update original investment amount
| INVPAY || Investment payout only transactions
| INVPURUPD || Update investment purchase date
| INVREDP || Investment redeposit withdrawal in error transaction
| INVRPIN || Investment transfer to new registration PIN transaction
| INVSALEINQ || Investment state sales inquiry
| INVSALEUPD || Investment state sales tracking update
| INVSETUP || Investment setup maintenance
| INVTIERINQ || Investment tier rate inquiry
| INVTPINQ || Investment type/rate inquiry
| INVTPUPD || Investment type/rate update
| INVTRANINQ || Investment transaction inquiry
| INVTRANS || Perform investment transactions
| INVUPD || Update existing master investments
| INVXFPAY || Investment transfer and payout transactions
| INVXTAX || Investment split tax transfer transaction
| LN || Basic loan functionality
| LNADD || Loan master record add only
| LNADJ || Loan financial adjustment transaction
| LNADV || Loan advance transaction
| LNADVRV || Loan advance reverse transaction
| LNAPP || Loan application fee payment
| LNCHTINQ || Loan change of terms tickler inquire
| LNCHTUPD || Loan change terms tickler update
| LNDOCUPD || Loan documentation update
| LNINQ || Loan inquiry
| LNINSUPD || Loan insurance record update
| LNLCINQ || Loan line of credit inquiry
| LNLCUPD || Loan line of credit update/add
| LNLSPINQ || Loan support inquiry
| LNNAUPD || Loan Name/Address update: remittance/disability/beneficiary
| LNNOCASH || Loan non cash transaction menu
| LNOPER || Loan system operator access (batch update)
| LNPAYMT || Loan payment transaction
| LNPMTRV || Loan payment reversal transaction
| LNRESWD || Loan reserve withdrawal transaction
| LNSTAT || Loan open/close/cancel transaction
| LNTAXUPD || Loan tax information update
| LNTRANINQ || Loan transaction inquiry
| LNTRANS || Basic loan transaction functionality
| LNUPD || Loan master update only
| LNXFER || Loan refinance/transfer transaction
| LSPMAT || LSP investment maturity notice override
| MAILDEL || Delete check batches
| MAILROOM || Entering of mailroom check batches
| PF || Basic Portfolio security
| PFADD || Ability to add portfolios
| PFINQ || Ability to inquire on portfolio master records
| PFMAINT || Portfolio financial maintenance transactions
| PFNOCASH || Portfolio non cashier menu access
| PFOPER || Portfolio computer operator (batch update)
| PFPUR || Portfolio purchase an investment
| PFRECP || Portfolio interest/dividend receipt transaction
| PFREVPUR || Portfolio reverse purchase transaction
| PFREVREC || Portfolio reverse interest receipt transaction
| PFREVSELL || Portfolio reverse sell/redeem transaction
| PFSELL || Portfolio sell/redeem transaction
| PFTPINQ || Portfolio type/rate inquiry
| PFTPUPD || Portfolio type/rate update/add
| PFTRANINQ || Portfolio transaction inquiry
| PFUPD || Portfolio master update only
| POOL || Pool functionality
| PORTINQ || Portfolio inquiry
| REGDEL || Ability to delete unused registrations
| REGINQ || Registration inquiry
| REGSTAT || Registration update sub system status
| REGUPD || Update existing registrations
| RFADD || Add restricted accounts
| RFDEL || Delete restricted accounts
| RFVIEW || View restricted accounts
| STFADD || Add staff AI codes
| STFDEL || Delete staff AI codes
| STFVIEW || View staff/staff family accounts
===IRS Reporting===
{| class="wikitable"
! Function Name !! Description
| IRS || Basic IRS web access
| IRSUPD || All IRS functions
{| class="wikitable"
! Function Name !! Description
| IV || Basic inventory access
| IVINQ || Inventory system inquiry
| IVPRICE || Inventory system price update
| IVUPD || Inventory update
===Name & Address (includes Yearbook)===
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Function Name !! Description
| DEV || Development top level security
| DEVINQ || Development inquiry
| DEVUPD || Development update
| NAAIUPD || Update AI codes table
| NAALTUPD || Update alternate IDs
| NACD || Edit code records
| NACD0009 || Edit AI codes
| NACD0010 || Edit state codes
| NACENTRAL || Central office users
| NACHACCT || Change constituent’s account type
| NACHINQ || View church data
| NACHUPD || Edit church data
| NACODESUPD || Add new codes during data entry
| NADVMEMO || Development system memos
| NAEMAILINQ || Ability to view email correspondence setup
| NAEMAILUPD || Ability to create and edit email correspondence setup
| NAEMPLOYEE || Allowed to modify the “Employee” designation for a constituent
| NAFILEADD || Add memo file attachments
| NAFILEDEL || Delete memo file attachments
| NAFILEPRIV || View memo file attachments
| NAFOLLOW || Enable NA entry follow mode on startup
| NAINDIVINQ || View individual data
| NAINQ || General Name/Address inquiry
| NAMAILINQ || Ability to view mailing history
| NAMAILRL || Remove mail/PIN list
| NAMAILUPD || Edit mailing list data
| NAMEDEL || Delete a constituent
| NAMEMERG || Merge constituents
| NANAMEMO || Name/Address memo access
| NANEW || Add new name records
| NAOFFINQ || View officer records
| NAOFFUPD || Update officer records
| NAORGINQ || View organization data
| NAORGUPD || Update organization data
| NAPMINQ || View project management information
| NAPMPROC || View processes linked to project management
| NAPMUPD || Update project management information
| NAPROCALL || Ability to view all user process activities
| NAPROCINQ || Ability to view process templates
| NAPROCUPD || Ability to create & update process templates
| NAPROCWHR || Ability to access process “where used” screen
| NARELUPD || Ability to update relationships
| NASETUP || Edit Name/Address setup options
| NASPLIT || Ability to split constituent records
| NATAX || Ability to view Tax ID
| NAUPD || General Name/Address update
| NAUPDDEL || Ability to update deleted name records
| NAXREFMRG || Merge address links
| NAXREFUPD || Update address links
| NAYBINQ || Ability to inquire on Church Yearbook records
| NAYBUPD || Ability to update Church Yearbook records
| NAZIPBAT || Make batch modifications to ZIP codes
| NAZIPUPD || Add new ZIP codes during data entry
| YBADM || Admin rights to Yearbook
| YBEMUPD || Update the Yearbook email system
| YBINQ || Yearbook inquiry
| YBMULTIUPD || Update all Yearbook regions
| YBPOST || Post Yearbook entry form
| YBREVIEW || Yearbook regional review
| YBSGLUPD || Update own yearbook region
| YBUPD || Yearbook update
| YBWEBINQ || Ability to perform yearbook inquiry on the Web
===Purchase Order===
{| class="wikitable"
! Function Name !! Description
| PO || Basic Purchase Order functionality
| PODEL || Delete purchase orders
| POINQ || View purchase orders
| POSETUP || Update purchase order setup information
| POUPD || Update purchase orders
===Word Processing===
{| class="wikitable"
! Function Name !! Description
| WPADM || Merge documents admin
| WPALLUSER || Allows you to see batches other users requested
| WPAPPR || Ability to edit pdf batch approval status
| WPEDIT || Edit merge documents
| WPUPD || Update merge documents

Latest revision as of 17:04, 6 September 2012

Module Security within DDI-Connect (DDI47SET)

The tables below will outline the security functions found within DDI Connect. Please note that you must have administrator rights in order to access these functions. If you cannot access the Security area of DDI Connect, contact your organization's DDI administrator or call DDI Client Support for assistance.

For information on how to modify DDI Connect security, reference this page: Security Function Maintenance

DDI Module

Function Name Description
DDIAPIINQ Inquire on API Records
DDIAPIUPD Update API Records
DDIBROWSE Force use of browser for reports
DDIDBUPD Ability to add, edit and delete database definitions
DDIHELP Enables editing of help screens
DDIJOBINQ View job processing queue entries
DDIJOBUPD Update job processing queue entries
DDILOCK Setting of organization update lock flag
DDIMOVE Able to move programs to environment
DDINOMENU Disables menu on login
DDIPROG Enable programmer features
DDIRPTLOOP Return to Report Menu or Request Screen
DDIRPTUPD Allow update of report desc and ident
DDIRULEUPD Ability to add, edit and delete login rules
DDISECUPD Update security functions
DDISETINQ Inquire on DDI setup records
DDISETUPD Maintain DDI setup records
DDISTAFF DDI Staff Functions
DDIUNLOCK Clear organizational lock flag
DDIWSET Access to Web site setup
DDIWSETADM DDI Staff portion of setup
DDIWSETCLI Client portion of setup
DOCUPD Access to update help documentation
FTP FTP Report Access DDINET
NEWMENU Enable new menu system
ONEWIN Restrict windows to one window
OPERATOR Perform Job Processing
SECRPT Security Matrix report menu level security

Accounts Payable

Function Name Description
AP Basic AP functionality
APAPPR Voucher Approval
APBATCHOVR Modify vouchers in another user’s batch
APCHECK Create checks for vouchers
APRPT Run Accounts Payable reports
APSETUP Update A/P setup information
APVCHDEL Delete vouchers
APVCHINQ View vouchers
EAPVCHMAN Enter manual checks for vouchers
APVCHONL Create online checks for vouchers
APVCHREC Update/process recurring vouchers
APVCHUPD Update vouchers
APVENDAC Deactivate vendors
APVENDDEL Delete vendor information
APVENDINQ View vendor information
APVENDUPD Update vendor information

Accounts Receivable

Function Name Description
AR Basic Accounts Receivable Functionality
ARAPPR Refund Approval
ARCREDIT Override customer credit limit
ARCUSTDEL Delete customer
ARCUSTINQ View customer information
ARCUSTUPD Update customer information
ARFORMS Print A/R forms
ARFREEZE Freeze/unfreeze customer accounts
ARINVDEL Delete invoices
ARINVINQ View invoices
ARINVREC Update/process recurring invoices
ARINVUPD Update invoices
ARORDCTL Control order and shipment status
ARORDDEL Delete orders
ARORDINQ View orders
ARORDUPD Update orders
ARPSADJ Adjust pick and ship records for orders
ARSETUP Update A/R setup information
ARTRANDEL Delete receipts and transactions
ARTRANINQ View receipts and transactions
ARTRANUPD Update receipts and transactions

Cash Receipting

Function Name Description
CR Basic access to cash receipting
CRAPPR Credit memo approval
CRMEMOINQ View credit memos
CRMEMOMAN Enter manual checks for credit memos
CRMEMOONL Create online checks for credit memos
CRMEMOUPD Update credit memos
CRSETUP Change cash receipts settings
CRSTAGE2 Process cash receipt batches


Function Name Description
CWCHECKS Print checks
CWCHKINQ View checks
CWEFTINFO View EFT information
CWEFTUPD Update EFT information
CWFORMUPD Update check form parameters
CWUPD Allow changing check payee, stubs, etc.
CWVOID Void checks

Document Management

Function Name Description
DM Basic document management security
DMDELETE Delete images (to delete a check)
DMRPTDEL Allow deletion of other users’ reports
DMRPTUPD Allow updating of other users’ reports
DMSEND Ability to send an image to another
DMSETUP Setup document management system
DMVIEW View saved images

Event Registration

Function Name Description
EVPMTACH Send ACH processed emails
EVPMTINQ Inquire on event registration payments
EVPMTUPD Modify event registration payment records
EVWEB Basic access to EV functions through DDI login

Extract Module

Function Name Description
EXQUERYALL Maintain information queries visible to all users
EXQUERYUPD Update information queries

Fixed Assets

Function Name Description
FA Basic Fixed Asset functionality
FADEPR Calculate depreciation
FAEMPDEL Delete employees
FAEMPINQ View employee information
FAEMPUPD Update employee information
FARPT Run fixed assets reports
FASETUP Update fixed assets setup information
FASSETDEL Delete assets
FASSETDIS Dispose assets
FASSETINQ View asset information
FASSETPOL Update policies/contracts/warranties
FASSETSER Update service records
FASSETUPD Update asset information
FASSETVEH Update vehicle information

FundRaiser (Connect-FR)

Function Name Description
CAMPINQ View campaign information
DONDEL Delete a donation
DONDELALL Delete donor history (via name/address delete)
DONDELLRG Delete a large donor’s history
DONINQ View donor information
DONUPD Change a donation
FR Basic FundRaiser access
FRAPINQ Inquire on an appeal
FRAPUPD Update an appeal
FRAPUPD Update an appeal
FRCMINQ Inquire on a campaign
FRCMUPD Update a campaign
FRDGADM Perform additional gift administration
FRDGINQ Inquire on gifts
FRDGUPD Update gifts
FRDMINQ Inquire on a donor account
FRDMRPTALL Maintain donor information reports visible to all users
FRDMRPTUPD Update donor information reports
FRDMSETUP Update system settings
FRDMUPD Update a donor account
FREVDEL Delete an event
FREVINQ Inquire on an event
FREVRCPTDL Delete event receipts
FREVRCPTUP Update event receipts
FREVSETUP Ability to view and edit FR event system settings
FREVSPINQ Inquire on an event sponsor
FREVSPUPD Update an event sponsor
FREVUPD Update an event
FRLAAPPR Local allocation approval
FRLASU Local allocation super user
FRNFADM Named fund update
FRNFINQ Named fund inquiry
FRNFUPDF Named fund financial adjustment
FRNFUPDT Named fund type change
FRPGINQ Ability to view planned gifts
FRPGUPD Ability to update planned gifts
FRPLINQ Inquire on a pledge
FRPLUPD Update a pledge
FRPRINQ Ability to inquire about programs (T&B)
FRPRUPD Ability to update programs (T&B)
FRRGINQ Inquire on a recurring gift
FRRGUPD Update a recurring gift
FRVOIDLA Void Pre-1997 local allocation checks


Function Name Description
CRCASHINQ Cash receipts inquiry
CRCASHUPD Cash receipts add/update
FW Basic FundWriter access
FWADMIN Access to administrative tasks menu
FWAPPR Document approval
FWAPPROWN Approve own documents
FWBATCHOVR Modify journals in another user’s batch
FWCD Edit code records
FWCHART Update chart of accounts
FWCPYASN Assign users to companies
FWCPYUPD Update companies
FWINQ Inquire on account balances
FWNAADD Add new FW Name/Address record
FWNADEL Delete FW Name/Address record
FWNAUPD Edit FW Name/Address record
FWPPTRAN Create prior period transactions
FWPYTRAN Create prior year transactions
FWRPGEN Special menu security to run FundWriter reports
FWRPGRUN Run FW report generator reports
FWRPGUPD Update FW report generator reports
FWRPT Run FundWriter reports
FWSETUP Update FW setup information
FWTRNDEL Delete journal transactions
FWTRNINQ Inquire on GL transactions
FWTRNMEMO Update posted journal transaction memos
FWTRNUPD Create/update journal transactions
FWUNPOST Allows user to reverse posting of GL transactions

Investment & Loan System

Function Name Description
CASHIER Enter cashier check batches
CKCASH Enter cashier check batches
CKDEL Delete check batches
CKEDIT Edit check batches created by others
CKHOLD Check non depositable item
CKINQ Inquire on checks input by mailroom/cashier
CKREFSUM Exclude check reference summary
CKUPD Entering of mailroom check batches
GLUPD GL table update
ILCASH IL system cash receipting menu access
ILDAYCHG IL system business day change
ILERASE Erase all IL system transactions
ILMISCREC Miscellaneous receipt transaction
ILSETUP Setup IL system
INV Basic Investment functionality
INVADD Investment master add
INVADJ Investment financial maintenance transaction
INVAPPROVE Investment note printing approval
INVAUDINQ Investment audit list review
INVAUDUPD Investment internal audit update
INVCASH Investment transfer/payout/purchase transaction
INVCATINQ Investment category inquiry
INVCATUPD Investment category update/add/delete
INVDUP Investment duplicate note transaction
INVFLEXINQ Investment flex plus inquiry
INVFLEXUPD Investment flex plus update
INVIDOR Override dormant/inactive/noaddr investment transactions
INVINQ Investment inquiry
INVINT Investment force interest posting transactions
INVIRAUPD Update IRA transaction information
INVNAUPD Investment alternate PIN Name/Address update
INVNOCASH Investment non cashier transaction menu access
INVOPER Investment console operator (batch updates) access
INVORIG Update original investment amount
INVPAY Investment payout only transactions
INVPURUPD Update investment purchase date
INVREDP Investment redeposit withdrawal in error transaction
INVRPIN Investment transfer to new registration PIN transaction
INVSALEINQ Investment state sales inquiry
INVSALEUPD Investment state sales tracking update
INVSETUP Investment setup maintenance
INVTIERINQ Investment tier rate inquiry
INVTPINQ Investment type/rate inquiry
INVTPUPD Investment type/rate update
INVTRANINQ Investment transaction inquiry
INVTRANS Perform investment transactions
INVUPD Update existing master investments
INVXFPAY Investment transfer and payout transactions
INVXTAX Investment split tax transfer transaction
LN Basic loan functionality
LNADD Loan master record add only
LNADJ Loan financial adjustment transaction
LNADV Loan advance transaction
LNADVRV Loan advance reverse transaction
LNAPP Loan application fee payment
LNCHTINQ Loan change of terms tickler inquire
LNCHTUPD Loan change terms tickler update
LNDOCUPD Loan documentation update
LNINQ Loan inquiry
LNINSUPD Loan insurance record update
LNLCINQ Loan line of credit inquiry
LNLCUPD Loan line of credit update/add
LNLSPINQ Loan support inquiry
LNNAUPD Loan Name/Address update: remittance/disability/beneficiary
LNNOCASH Loan non cash transaction menu
LNOPER Loan system operator access (batch update)
LNPAYMT Loan payment transaction
LNPMTRV Loan payment reversal transaction
LNRESWD Loan reserve withdrawal transaction
LNSTAT Loan open/close/cancel transaction
LNTAXUPD Loan tax information update
LNTRANINQ Loan transaction inquiry
LNTRANS Basic loan transaction functionality
LNUPD Loan master update only
LNXFER Loan refinance/transfer transaction
LSPMAT LSP investment maturity notice override
MAILDEL Delete check batches
MAILROOM Entering of mailroom check batches
PF Basic Portfolio security
PFADD Ability to add portfolios
PFINQ Ability to inquire on portfolio master records
PFMAINT Portfolio financial maintenance transactions
PFNOCASH Portfolio non cashier menu access
PFOPER Portfolio computer operator (batch update)
PFPUR Portfolio purchase an investment
PFRECP Portfolio interest/dividend receipt transaction
PFREVPUR Portfolio reverse purchase transaction
PFREVREC Portfolio reverse interest receipt transaction
PFREVSELL Portfolio reverse sell/redeem transaction
PFSELL Portfolio sell/redeem transaction
PFTPINQ Portfolio type/rate inquiry
PFTPUPD Portfolio type/rate update/add
PFTRANINQ Portfolio transaction inquiry
PFUPD Portfolio master update only
POOL Pool functionality
PORTINQ Portfolio inquiry
REGDEL Ability to delete unused registrations
REGINQ Registration inquiry
REGSTAT Registration update sub system status
REGUPD Update existing registrations
RFADD Add restricted accounts
RFDEL Delete restricted accounts
RFVIEW View restricted accounts
STFADD Add staff AI codes
STFDEL Delete staff AI codes
STFVIEW View staff/staff family accounts

IRS Reporting

Function Name Description
IRS Basic IRS web access
IRSUPD All IRS functions


Function Name Description
IV Basic inventory access
IVINQ Inventory system inquiry
IVPRICE Inventory system price update
IVUPD Inventory update

Name & Address (includes Yearbook)

Function Name Description
DEV Development top level security
DEVINQ Development inquiry
DEVUPD Development update
NAAIUPD Update AI codes table
NAALTUPD Update alternate IDs
NACD Edit code records
NACD0009 Edit AI codes
NACD0010 Edit state codes
NACENTRAL Central office users
NACHACCT Change constituent’s account type
NACHINQ View church data
NACHUPD Edit church data
NACODESUPD Add new codes during data entry
NADVMEMO Development system memos
NAEMAILINQ Ability to view email correspondence setup
NAEMAILUPD Ability to create and edit email correspondence setup
NAEMPLOYEE Allowed to modify the “Employee” designation for a constituent
NAFILEADD Add memo file attachments
NAFILEDEL Delete memo file attachments
NAFILEPRIV View memo file attachments
NAFOLLOW Enable NA entry follow mode on startup
NAINDIVINQ View individual data
NAINQ General Name/Address inquiry
NAMAILINQ Ability to view mailing history
NAMAILRL Remove mail/PIN list
NAMAILUPD Edit mailing list data
NAMEDEL Delete a constituent
NAMEMERG Merge constituents
NANAMEMO Name/Address memo access
NANEW Add new name records
NAOFFINQ View officer records
NAOFFUPD Update officer records
NAORGINQ View organization data
NAORGUPD Update organization data
NAPMINQ View project management information
NAPMPROC View processes linked to project management
NAPMUPD Update project management information
NAPROCALL Ability to view all user process activities
NAPROCINQ Ability to view process templates
NAPROCUPD Ability to create & update process templates
NAPROCWHR Ability to access process “where used” screen
NARELUPD Ability to update relationships
NASETUP Edit Name/Address setup options
NASPLIT Ability to split constituent records
NATAX Ability to view Tax ID
NAUPD General Name/Address update
NAUPDDEL Ability to update deleted name records
NAXREFMRG Merge address links
NAXREFUPD Update address links
NAYBINQ Ability to inquire on Church Yearbook records
NAYBUPD Ability to update Church Yearbook records
NAZIPBAT Make batch modifications to ZIP codes
NAZIPUPD Add new ZIP codes during data entry
YBADM Admin rights to Yearbook
YBEMUPD Update the Yearbook email system
YBINQ Yearbook inquiry
YBMULTIUPD Update all Yearbook regions
YBPOST Post Yearbook entry form
YBREVIEW Yearbook regional review
YBSGLUPD Update own yearbook region
YBUPD Yearbook update
YBWEBINQ Ability to perform yearbook inquiry on the Web

Purchase Order

Function Name Description
PO Basic Purchase Order functionality
PODEL Delete purchase orders
POINQ View purchase orders
POSETUP Update purchase order setup information
POUPD Update purchase orders

Word Processing

Function Name Description
WPADM Merge documents admin
WPALLUSER Allows you to see batches other users requested
WPAPPR Ability to edit pdf batch approval status
WPEDIT Edit merge documents
WPUPD Update merge documents