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[[File:Auto Attach 2.png]]
[[File:Auto Attach 2.png]]
* Click the Import button on the toolbar

Revision as of 18:42, 17 October 2011

Using the Automated Attachment Import (NA75UPD)

Automated Attachment Import is a utility that allows you to automatically attach a group of files to master-account records, name/address records, or gift records/miscellaneous receipts/event receipts. While designed primarily as a method of importing scanned images such as forms or signed documents, it can be used to import any type of document that can be attached to a memo.

This utility uses the names of the imported files to attach them to the appropriate master accounts, name/address, or gift/receipt records in the form of a memo. It can only import files from a single folder (on a drive accessible to your Citrix session) and of a single type at one time. For example, for one session you can import master account record attachments, and in the next session import gift records/miscellaneous receipts/event receipts.

Before running the import, you will need to make sure that you have done the following:

  • In the folder that you will be importing from, make sure that each attachment is named according to the type of record you are attaching it to
    • Gift records should have the name of the gift number.txt
    • Miscellaneous receipts should have the name of the receipt.txt
    • Event receipts should have the name of the event.txt
    • Master account attachments should have the master account PIN.txt
    • Name/Address attachments should have the constituent PIN.txt

An example would be, if you are importing an attachment for master account PIN 123456, the attachment that you are importing should be named 123456.txt

To import the attachments:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Name/Address
  • Double-click Utilities
  • Double-click 75 Automated Attachment Import. You will see this screen:

Auto attach 1.png

  • Verify that the "Import files from" directory is the correct one. If it is not, click the file icon to the right of the field. This launches the Browse for Folder screen. Locate the folder that you will be importing attachments from, and click OK
  • Select the type of import you are running in the "Attach files to" field. Click the drop down arrow to the right of the field to select the type of import
  • If you select "show only errors", the system will only display attachments that failed to import

Once you select the type of import, the system will display the list of items that match:

Auto Attach 2.png

  • Click the Import button on the toolbar