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=='''<span style="color:blue;">Configuring Multiple Entities within DDI Connect (FW08)</span>'''==
=='''Overview of FW08'''==
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Latest revision as of 11:08, 10 May 2012

Overview of FW08

In some cases an organization may comprise two or more business entities. Where this is true, there can be a need to create separate general ledgers for these “companies” (your organization can rename this term, if necessary, in FundWriter Setup: . Separate companies have:

  • Separate charts of accounts and financial records, including journals and posted transactions;
  • Separate lists of GL segments (except for those segments set up as global);
  • Separate closed versus open status on fiscal years and accounting periods;
  • Separate vendors in Accounts Payable and separate sets of vouchers;
  • Separate customers in Accounts Receivable and separate sets of orders, invoices, and receipts;
  • Separate assets in Fixed Assets;
  • Separate donors in Connect-FR and separate sets of gifts

FundWriter allows your business to do these things and to assign users to one or more companies, defining a default company for each user. Simply use FundWriter Setup to enable multi-company functionality. For information on how to configure your FundWriter setup, reference this page: FundWriter Setup

Then proceed to Entity Codes Maintenance to set up the companies and indicate the users relevant to each:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click FundWriter
  • Double-click FundWriter Setup
  • Double-click Entity Codes Maintenance. You will see this screen:

Entity codes 1.png

Please note that what you see on this screen will depend entirely on what your organization has already configured for Entity Codes.

  • The DDI Connect system automatically populates the User ID and Name fields with all users currently in your system. However, unless the user has a symbol in the entity column, they will NOT have access to that entity unless it is granted.

Adding a New Entity

  • From the Entity Codes Maintenance screen, click the Add button. This creates a new entity for editing:

Entity codes 2.png

  • The following fields need to be completed:

Field Description
ID The system will automatically assign the next available ID. Press enter to retain the number, or type over the default to assign a new ID. This is a 2 character, numeric only field
Code This field is the unique code for the entity you are adding. You are allowed up to 8 alphanumeric characters
Org Example
Description Enter a brief description for the new entity

  • When you press Enter, the new entity is added and available for selection below in the User List.

Adding User Access to Entities

If a user has access to multiple companies, one of these must be designated his or her primary company. This is the company selected by default when the individual logs into DDI-Connect. The first company selected for a given user (double-click in the column representing this company) is automatically the primary company.

As noted above, the system automatically populates the user list with the names of all users currently set up within your organization:

Entity codes 3.png

To grant a user access to an entity, double-click the field within that entity column. For example, if you were granting Demo Test Login access to Entity 1, you would look for the Demo Test Login line, and then double-click in the field beneath Entity 1:

Entity codes 4.png

When you double-click the field, the system will populate it with the appropriate bullet:

Entity codes 5.png

Repeat the process for whichever users you need to modify.